Sticks and stones
Pierrette Dubé |
The length of Gwendolyn-Joy Morrison Power's name causes her some problems at school. |
OL12804552W |
Shen me dou xiang yao
Peggy Rowe |
Ben shu bao kuo:"wo neng xin xiang shi cheng!", "shi shen me zu dang le wo", She hui:"ni bu ke neng shen me dou de dao", Jia zhang:"ni bu ke neng shen me dou de dao"deng nei rong. |
OL20657208W |
Volleyball Victory
Jake Maddox,Katie Wood,Leigh McDonald |
Andrea is excited for another winning volleyball season. But there's a problem: the new coach is bringing the team back to basics, and now Andrea is unhappy and feeling frustrated in her new position… |
OL21115138W |
Distant cousin
Jane Lewis |
Mel has difficulty getting along with her cousin Kasha when she comes for an unexpected visit. |
OL24261287W |
Zut! Flûte est fâché
Claire Chabot |
Plaquette s'insérant dans une série voulant présenter les émotions aux enfants en mettant en scène les aventures burlesques de Flûte, une autruche maladroite. Sous ce titre, frustré de ne pas pouvoir… |
OL27058492W |
Arrête de bouder, Lilou
Pakita |
Réédition. Ce titre s'insère dans une collection de premiers romans ayant chacun pour vedette un camarade de classe de la petite Agathe, dont les aventures sont prétextes à l'apprentissage de petites… |
OL27689932W |
Things that make no sense
Kenneth W. Meeks |
Things That Make No Sense deals with everyday occurrences experienced by everyone as they go about their daily lives. Some things just don't make any sense at all! Many of the stories included here d… |
OL28586922W |
Franklin Rides a Bike (Franklin)
Paulette Bourgeois,Brenda Clark |
Franklin is determined to ride his bike without training wheels, and he can't understand why it seems so easy for his friends -- or why it's so hard for him. |
OL29421W |
LORD, I've Got a Problem
Don Baker |
This heartfelt, non-fiction, Christian self-help book, is an emotional health and physical health encyclopedia, in one book. |
OL3757092W |
Queen of the Court
Michele Martin Bossley |
Kallana wears the wildest clothes of anyone at her suburban Calgary junior high school. Still, it seems it's not enough to get the attention of her freelance photographer father or her non-kid-friend… |
OL8817090W |
The Winning Edge
Michele Martin Bossley |
Jennie loves training at Richmond Skate, her Calgary figure skating club, but her Olympic dreams always seem impossibly far away. When her coach suggests she's got real talent, however, Jennie's read… |
OL8817093W |
Lorna Schultz Nicholson |
Josh has finally made it to an elite hockey team and is determined to play as well as his older brother, Matt. But Josh's body is not cooperating. He's so tired and sluggish at practice -- and so thi… |
OL8817146W |