Entre la espada y el falo
Juan Durán Luzio |
An excellent scholarly presentation of the deplorable policies and conduct of Spanish colonizers during the period 1492-1550 toward indigenous women in the New World. Durán is a prominent Chilean-bor… |
OL13453839W |
Building a healthy multi-ethnic church
Mark DeYmaz |
Through personal stories, proven experience and a thorough analysis of the biblical text, Building a Healthy Multi-ethnic Church illustrates both the biblical mandate for the multi-ethnic church as w… |
OL13676046W |
New Race Politics in America
Jane Junn |
Foreign migration to the United States is dramatically altering the demographic profile of the American electorate. Nearly a third of all Americans are of non-white and non-European descent. Latinos … |
OL15172896W |
La costruzione dell'indianità. L'arte popolare di Ayacucho dall'indigenismo ai siti web
Stefania Sebastianis |
In a modern world of exotic and desirable image, where the trade of cultural differences is becoming increasingly important folk art from Ayacucho in Peru conveys visual representations that reflect … |
OL15193164W |
Das Serbokroatische zwischen Linguistik und Politik
Bernhard Gröschel |
In this book, it is shown that Croatian and Serbian are variants of a single Serbo-Croatian language. The volume contains 1.500 bibliographic units. |
OL15295665W |
Paper daughter
Jeanette Ingold |
When her father, a respected journalist in Seattle, is killed in a hit-and-run accident, Maggie Chen, a high school intern at her father's newspaper, searches for clues to the mysterious circumstance… |
OL15408658W |
Contesting Europe's eastern rim
Ljiljana Šarić |
This edited volume focuses on how political and economic transformations have triggered redefinitions of cultural identity in Europe since 1989. Examining discursive modes of identity construction, t… |
OL15521785W |
Da guo di fang
Wenzhao Xiong |
本书对中央与地方关系结构模式、中央与地方间权限划分机制进行结构分析。探索中央与地方关系的良性互动机制。 |
OL15628670W |
Dim Sum, bagels, and grits
Myra Alperson |
"... guides adoptive parents (and parents-to-be) on the journey toward creating a family that represents more than one culture."--cover. |
OL15835794W |
On being different
Conrad Phillip Kottak |
"On Being Different provides an up-to-date, comprehensive, and interdisciplinary account of diversity and multiculturalism in the United States and Canada. Kottak (recent inductee to The National Aca… |
OL15936048W |
Forging people
Jorge J. E.. Gracia |
"Forging People explores the way in which Hispanic American thinkers in Latin America and Latino/a philosophers in the United States have posed and thought about questions of race, ethnicity, and nat… |
OL15981054W |
Ėtnicheskoe samosoznanie slavi͡a︡n v XV stoletii
G. G. Litavrin |
238 p. ; 23 cm. |
OL16030228W |
Ethnic America
Marjorie P. K. Weiser |
A compilation of reprinted articles considering various ethnic groups in the United States, with emphasis on Native Americans and Afro-Americans, and how they coped with their problems in adjusting t… |
OL16065321W |
Minority students in East Asia
Yuxiang Wang,JoAnn Phillion,Ming-tak Hue |
"In <EM>Minority Students in East Asia: Government Policies, School Practices and Teacher Responses </EM>authors discuss their research on minority students' schooling (elementary to higher education… |
OL16212461W |
Medical Caregiving and Identity in Pennsylvania's Anthracite Region, 1880-2000
Karol K. Weaver |
While much has been written about immigrant traditions, music, food culture, folklore, and other aspects of ethnic identity, little attention has been given to the study of medical culture, until now… |
OL16262739W |
Azar Gat |
"What are the origins of nationalism and why is it capable of arousing such intense emotions? In this major study, Azar Gat counters the prevailing fashionable theories according to which nations and… |
OL16726465W |
'Sleepwalking to segregation'?
Nissa Finney |
This book explores contemporary claims about race and migration, combining an overview of the subject with new research. The authors argue that the myths of race and migration are the real threat to … |
OL16983060W |
Blickle, Peter. |
"The idea of Heimat (home, homeland, native region) has been as important to German self-perceptions over the last two hundred years as the shifting notion of the German nation. While the idea of Hei… |
OL1736367W |
Crossing The Divide
Gerald C. Ediger |
This book describes how Canadian, and then particularly Manitoba, Mennonite Brethren went through a painful process of exchanging German for English as their primary language of religious discourse a… |
OL17370240W |
Ethnic leadership in America
John Higham |
Central focus of these papers presume that ethnic groups in an open society are the creation of their leaders. |
OL17645881W |