Catherine the Great
Miriam Kochan |
A biography of the German princess who became the absolute ruler of the Russian empire and won for herself the reputation of a great enlightened monarch. |
OL131001W |
Catherine the Great
Robert K. Massie |
The Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Peter the Great, Nicholas and Alexandra, and The Romanovs returns with another masterpiece of narrative biography, the extraordinary story of an obscure young Ger… |
OL15936526W |
Sex with the queen
Eleanor Herman |
Explores the sexual lives of some of the most beloved and infamous female rulers, including Catherine the Great, Marie Antoinette, and the bastion of virtue, Queen Victoria. |
OL16026840W |
The purple shroud
Stella Duffy |
Once, Theodora was little more than a slave, the daughter of a bear-keeper, running barefoot through the streets of Constantinople. Now she is Theou doron, the Gift of God, Empress of Byzantine Rome … |
OL16682056W |
Shirin Yim Bridges |
Details the life of Agrippina the Younger, explores the customs of her time period, and discusses the empress' fierce reputation and whether it was deserved. |
OL16699528W |
The Dragon and the Pearl
Jeannie Lin |
"Former Emperor's consort Ling Suyin was renowned for her beauty: the ultimate seductress. Now she lives quietly alone - until the most ruthless warlord in the region comes and steals her away. Li Ta… |
OL17427268W |
Empress of China, Wu Ze Tian
Jiang, Cheng'an. |
Tells the story of Wu Ze Tian, a palace attendant who became China's only female emperor and brought prosperity and cultural growth to China during the T'ang dynasty. |
OL1903835W |
Forest of a Thousand Lanterns (Rise of the Empress)
Julie C. Dao,Scheherezade Surià |
Eighteen-year-old Xifeng is beautiful. The stars say she is destined for greatness, that she is meant to be Empress of Feng Lu. But only if she embraces the darkness within her. Growing up as a peasa… |
OL19564073W |
Ruby Lal |
"In 1611, thirty-four-year-old Nur Jahan, daughter of a Persian noble and widow of a subversive official, became the twentieth and most cherished wife of the Emperor Jahangir. While other wives were … |
OL19748072W |
Doomed queens
Kris Waldherr |
Illicit love, madness, betrayal--it isn't always good to be the queenMarie Antoinette, Anne Boleyn, and Mary, Queen of Scots. What did they have in common? For a while they were crowned in gold, coss… |
OL1976387W |
The empress of art
Susan Jaques |
Traces the remarkable history of Catherine the Great's influential art collection and creation of the Hermitage, discussing how her cultural goals were part of a long-term plan to modernize and weste… |
OL20022278W |
The Scorpion's Empress
Yoshiyuki Ly |
After years of serving a corrupt government, Ser Videl, an idealistic paladin, learns that her younger sister is tangled in a dark scheme against Raj Mangala, the compassionate yet troubled empress o… |
OL20234213W |
Lady of the English
Elizabeth Chadwick |
Queen Adeliza is married to a warrior who supports Stephen, grandson of the Conqueror, while her stepdaughter, Empress Matilda, will let no one, not even Stephen himself, stand in the way of her inhe… |
OL22073125W |
The last empress
Anchee Min |
At the end of the nineteenth century China is rocked by foreign attacks and local rebellions. The only constant is the power wielded by one woman, Tzu Hsi, also known as Empress Orchid, who must face… |
OL24277866W |
Karakul |
A young girl who is confined to a wheelchair receives a magical pen and is able to draw herself into the enchanted world of Wrush where she will become the empress. A magical adventure ensues. |
OL24309291W |
Shuo Xiaozhuang
Lianhai Ji |
说到孝庄皇太后是一个大名鼎鼎的女人,这是很多读者都知道的.孝庄皇太后这个女人,她先后辅佐了从开国皇帝努尔哈赤到康熙在内的清初四个皇帝.从这一点上,我们完全可以说,如果没有了孝庄,明清之际中国的历史--甚至整个中国的历史就很有可能要改写. |
OL33163912W |
Da Ming xian hou
Haiying Zhang |
她,是仁慈,善良,俭朴,爱民的一代贤后;她敢于在明太祖施行暴政时进行劝谏,保全了许多忠臣良将的性命;她善待后宮嫔妃,不为娘家谋私利开创了明朝后宮和外戚不干政的风气.她就是明朝开国皇帝朱元璋的结发妻子马秀英--马皇后. |
OL33202437W |
Dragon Lady
Sterling Seagrave |
The author of *The Soong Dynasty* gives us our most vivid and reliable biography yet of the Dowager Empress Tzu Hsi, remembered through the exaggeration and falsehood of legend as the ruthless Manchu… |
OL3522972W |
The Last Empress
Anchee Min |
Empress Orchid, a small-town woman rises to power through sexual seduction and even murder to become Empress of China. This book chronicles Orchid's rule as she raises two sons to be emperors and con… |
OL37491W |
The Dragon Empress
Marina Warner |
I have not read it but based in my reading of her first novel,"In a dark wood" she is very learned about Chinese Art and Art History.Also about the Jesuits connection to China.
So this book must… |
OL482103W |