Command area development programmes
M. Venkata Reddy |
With particular reference to Karnataka, India. |
OL1039090W |
Поля, фабрики и мастерские
Peter Kropotkin |
**Fields, Factories, and Workshops** is an 1899 book by anarchist Peter Kropotkin that discusses the decentralization of industries, possibilities of agriculture, and uses of small industries. Before… |
OL1105381W |
Farm women and Canadian agricultural policy
Carla Roppel |
Available for free download here: http://www.foodstudies.ca/Documents/Farm_Women_and_the_APF.pdf |
OL13397909W |
Palestine, land of promise
Walter Clay Lowdermilk |
Hey! How's about some of the Amazon reviews?///
http://www.amazon.com/Palestine-Land-Promise-Walter-Lowdermilk/product-reviews/B0007ILEAA/ref=dp_db_cm_cr_acr_txt?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=1 |
OL161367W |
Globalización y expansión agroindustrial
Miguel Teubal |
"Ten essays and case studies examine impact of economic globalization and neoliberal reforms on Latin American agricultural sector. Describes process of agricultural modernization and its impact on u… |
OL2396836W |
Bibliografía agroalimentaria, Fundación Polar
Cecilia Vega Febres |
"Indexed and well-annotated bibliography of use to scholars doing research on agricultural policy in Venezuela"--Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 57. |
OL2538754W |
Deep Souths
J. William Harris |
"Deep Souths tells the stories of three southern regions from Reconstruction to World War II: the Georgia Sea Islands and Atlantic coast, the eastern Piedmont of Georgia, and the Mississippi-Yazoo De… |
OL2743141W |
Labourers and landowners in southern Spain
Juan Martínez Alier |
352 p. 23 cm |
OL2881619W |
Cliff Ricketts,Kristina Ricketts |
Agribusiness: Fundamentals and Applications, second edition, discusses the broad spectrum of the agribusiness world. Several chapters focus on the agricultural input sector, which are the supplies an… |
OL2917642W |
Transitional trade and rural development
Barbara Harriss-White |
Study of North Arcot District, Tamil Nadu; based on 1973-74 data. |
OL2985104W |
Tierra que pica
Gail Mummert |
"Thorough case study utilizes both quantitative and qualitative methodology to analyze how post-land reform changes affected residents of Valle de Zacapu. Focusing on social implications of regional … |
OL3669554W |
Pequena história da agricultura no Brasil
Tamás Szmrecsányi |
OL4164014W |
Agribusiness in Africa
Barbara Dinham |
224 p. : 21 cm |
OL4308284W |
Development burden and benefits
Ojetunji Aboyade |
This book reflects Professor Aboyade's thoughts and concerns about the development process, the failure of that process in Nigeria over nearly three decades, his modest attempts to explain the failur… |
OL4336137W |
Metropolis and Hinterland
Neville Morley |
xi, 211 p. : 24 cm |
OL449939W |
Analysis of productivity levels and economic efficiency in agriculture
S. K. V. Suryanarayana Raju |
Study conducted in Vishakhapatnam District, Andhra Pradesh. |
OL4948880W |
Caste and primary occupations
Noor Mohammad |
With reference to Uttar Pradesh. |
OL5084393W |
Emilio López G. |
An analysis of socioeconomic and political changes in the agricultural sector since the rise of neoliberalism and globalization, with focus on free trade, food availability, services, land and food p… |
OL5793718W |
Malinalco, estudio sobre producción e intercambio de alimentos
José Antonio Aparicio Q. |
A scholarly study of the history of Malinalco, Estado Mexico, with focus on its traditional role as a center of agricultural production and commerce. |
OL6001413W |
Unwanted bread
Sheldon Green |
Includes essays on the changes in rural North Dakota and personal stories of fifty North Dakota farmers and ranchers. |
OL6077713W |