Corn and corn improvement
G. F. Sprague |
xvi, 774 p. : 24 cm |
OL1485785W |
Corn aplenty
Dana Meachen Rau |
Two children watch a local farmer grow a crop of corn and as the corn develops from seed to harvest time, so does the friendship between the children and the farmer. |
OL14859824W |
Emeril at the Grill
Emeril Lagasse |
If you know Emeril, you know that he always takes cooking to the next level. And when it comes to grilling, that means that instead of hamburgers he's making Pork and Chorizo Burgers with Green Chile… |
OL14921861W |
Elaine Landau |
Examines the history, cultivation, and uses of corn. |
OL15040159W |
A Midwestern Corn Festival
Lisa Gabbert |
Explains the importance of corn as a crop and examines the rides, pageants, and other activities at a corn festival. |
OL1806082W |
The story of corn
Peter R. Limburg |
Traces the expanding use of corn as a food and as a valuable item in several areas of science. |
OL1858483W |
Popcorn plants
Kathleen V. Kudlinski |
Describes the life cycle of the popcorn plant from the time the farmer plants the seed until the kernel explodes. |
OL1874743W |
Millicent E. Selsam |
Describes the growth cycle of the type of corn used to make popcorn. |
OL1876434W |
Our sacred maíz is our mother =
Roberto Cintli Rodríguez |
" 'If you want to know who you are and where you come from, follow the maíz.' That was the advice given to author Roberto Cintli Rodriguez when he was investigating the origins and migrations of Mexi… |
OL20008270W |
Corn in the story of agriculture
Susan Anderson |
Learn about all corn inn agriculture. |
OL20887933W |
A strawbeater's thanksgiving
Irene Smalls |
Determined to be the strawbeater during the corn shucking party, Jess, a small young slave boy, wrestles a bigger, stronger boy for the honor. |
OL2409789W |
How corn grows
Williams, Bill |
Photographs of the process of growing corn are shown. |
OL24270321W |
Farmer Smart's fat cat
James Sage |
Farmer Boast, Farmer Bluster, and Farmer Smart fight over who has the best cornfield, until one of them finds a way to win the competition. |
OL2738279W |
Liz Sonneborn |
Learn how the earliest farmers grew the first corn, why it is such an important part of our country's history, and why corn is a great American invention. |
OL28762090W |
Le champ maudit
François Gravel |
Petit roman d'horreur au cours duquel un narrateur, devenu adulte, raconte comment il s'est aventuré dans le champ de maïs de son oncle, alors qu'on l'avait prévenu des dangers qu'il courrait. Attiré… |
OL29228359W |
Three stalks of corn
Leo Politi |
When Angelica's grandmother explains the legends and uses of corn, the three tall stalks in the garden take on new significance. |
OL3925233W |
The corn grows ripe
Dorothy Rhoads |
Tigre, a twelve-year-old Mayan boy living in a modern-day village in Yucatán, must learn to be a man when his father is injured. |
OL4297228W |
Corn and Capitalism
Arturo Warman |
Exploring the history and importance of corn worldwide, Arturo Warman traces its development from a New World food of poor and despised peoples into a commodity that plays a major role in the modern … |
OL4672728W |
Jason Cooper |
Examines the importance and different kinds of corn and explains how it is grown, processed, and shipped to the grocery store. |
OL49005W |
Corn Is Maize
Aliki |
A simple description of how corn was discovered and used by the Indians and how it came to be an important food throughout the world. |
OL94808W |