The history of little Henry and his bearer
Mrs. Mary Martha (Butt) Sherwood |
First published in 1814, this edition was published in 1834. A poignant story of Henry, a young orphaned English boy growing up in the East Indies (India) with his foster mother and his Hindu servant… |
OL1087710W |
Peace of soul
Fulton J. Sheen |
Bishop Sheen asks readers to stop blaming their subconscious for their ills and examine instead their conscience, to turn away from the psychoanalyst and turn to God. He shows readers that peace of s… |
OL111060W |
Loss and Gain
John Henry Newman |
This novel about a young man's intellectual and spiritual development was the first work John Henry Newman wrote after entering the Roman Catholic Church in 1845. The story describes the perplexing q… |
OL1144810W |
Gasoline, diesel, and ethanol biofuels from grasses and plants
Ram B. Gupta |
"This book introduces readers to second-generation biofuels obtained from non-food biomass, such as forest residue, agricultural residue, switch grass, and corn stover"--Provided by publisher.
"The … |
OL15582341W |
My name is Chloe
Melody Carlson |
An intelligent but insecure fifteen-year-old aspiring musician, who sports off-beat clothes, spiked hair, and multiple piercings, questions the existence of God until she meets Him head-on in a grave… |
OL15674143W |
The dairyman's daughter
Legh Richmond |
One of the 19th century's most well-read stories for girls. Over three (3) million copies sold before 1900. Read this once and you'll wonder why you never heard this story before. Told by her pastor,… |
OL1636092W |
Conversion and apostasy in the late Ottoman Empire
Selim Deringil |
"In the nineteenth-century Ottoman Empire traditional religious structures crumbled as the empire itself began to fall apart. The state's answer to schism was regulation and control, administered in … |
OL16451733W |
The road from Damascus
Richard N. Longenecker |
Conversion is intrinsic to the Christian religion. The most remarkable conversion recorded in the New Testament is that of Paul, and most Christians consider Christ's encounter with Paul to be a prot… |
OL16814040W |
Adobe Acrobat 9
Peachpit Press Staff |
Annotation |
OL16943011W |
The chance of salvation
Lincoln A. Mullen |
The United States has a long history of religious pluralism, and yet Americans have often thought that people's faith determines their eternal destinies. The result is that Americans switch religions… |
OL17635407W |
Hannah's courtship
Emma Miller |
Amish widow Hannah Yoder never intended to marry again. Yet when her friendship with veterinarian Albert Hartman begins to bloom into something more, Hannah wonders if perhaps she's finally ready for… |
OL17652057W |
The Varieties of religious experience
William James |
"One of the greatest works of non-fiction of the twentieth century, William James's The varieties of religious experience was revolutionary in its view of religious life as centered not within the Ch… |
OL18166596W |
Mark Cahill |
Josh expects to find paradise as he sets out for a relaxing trip to Hawaii to join three of his old friends from college, but what if their week in paradise is interrupted in a way that few of us can… |
OL18175172W |
A new friend
Patricia L. Nederveld |
Retells the Bible story in which Paul, on his way to arrest the followers of Jesus, sees a blinding light and is converted. Includes art projects and related activities. |
OL1842915W |
Choosing a Jewish life
Anita Diamant |
"As a rabbi and a convert, I appreciate this book deeply for its sensitivity to the complex feelings of those who are exploring paths to becoming Jewish, and for the deep love of Judaism it conveys. … |
OL1868939W |
Religious conversion in India
Sathianathan Clarke,Rowena Robinson |
Contributed articles. |
OL19160195W |
The Mongols and the Islamic world
Peter Jackson |
"An epic historical consideration of the Mongol conquest of Western Asia and the spread of Islam during the years of non-Muslim rule. The Mongol conquest of the Islamic world began in the early thirt… |
OL19664437W |
Ilyasah Shabazz |
Co-written by Malcolm X's daughter, this riveting and revealing novel follows the formative years of the man whose words and actions shook the world.
Malcolm Little's parents have always told him th… |
OL19671023W |
Religious conversion
M. Darrol Bryant |
Conversion has been an important issue for most of the universal religions - those usually associated with a founder, such as Christianity, Buddhism, Islam and Judaism - which have a mission to sprea… |
OL19899483W |
Worth the Wrestle
Sheri Dew |
104 pages : 21 cm |
OL20204331W |