Heretical Hellenism
Shanyn Fiske |
"The prevailing assumption regarding the Victorians' relationship to ancient Greece is that Greek knowledge constituted an exclusive discourse within elite male domains. Heretical Hellenism: Women Wr… |
OL11938188W |
The culture of classicism
Caroline Winterer |
Winterer argues that we cannot understand the rise of the American university or modern notions of selfhood and knowledge without an appreciation for the role of classicism in their creation |
OL12021167W |
Reception and the classics
William Brockliss |
"This volume collects the majority of papers given at a conference held at Yale University in 2007. That conference, also entitled Reception and the Classics, sought to define and articulate the part… |
OL16134649W |
Omar Tarin |
A selection of 10 literary critical essays by Omar Tarin |
OL16306094W |
Citizens and kings
Rosenblum, Robert.,Norman Rosenthal,Sebastien Allard,Guilhem Scherf,MaryAnne Stevens |
429 pages : 29 cm |
OL19522179W |
Fusion racinienne
Stella J. Cohen-Scali |
"Book" published by "La Pensée universelle"???!!! This is not at all a reputable editor, this is a "vanity press"! Shame, Honte |
OL4557207W |
Adam Smith and the classics
Gloria Vivenza |
"Adam Smith and the Classics analyses the influence of classical culture - the work of Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, and the Stoics - on Adam Smith's thought. Vivenza bases her arguments on elements of S… |
OL4737854W |
Classical influences on Western thought A.D. 1650-1870
International Conference on Classical Influences King's College, Cambridge, Eng. 1977. |
xiii, 394 pages ; 24 cm |
OL6693406W |