The troubled border
Bhubaneswar Bhattacharyya |
Assam boundary disputes with other Northeastern states of India. |
OL1051957W |
The border between them
Jeremy Neely |
"Jeremy Neely recounts the exploits of John Brown, William Quantrill, and other notorious guerrillas, as well as the stories of everyday people who lived through the conflict that marked the terrible… |
OL12250063W |
Dzieje granicy mazowiecko-krzyżackiej
Elżbieta Kowalczyk |
335 p. : ill., maps ; 24 cm. |
OL12974246W |
Altes Zollhaus, Staatsgrenze West
Jochen Schimmang |
Jochen Schimmang erzählt vom Leben an sich auflösenden Grenzen, ein Vierteljahrhundert nach dem Ende der Bonner Republik.
"Wer an der Grenze steht, kommt schnell mal einen Schritt vom Wege ab und … |
OL13308320W |
Alexander Nimmo's Inverness survey & journal, 1806
Alexander Nimmo |
Alexander Nimmo was Rector of Inverness Academy in 1806 when the Commission for Highland Roads and Bridges employed him to survey the boundary of Inverness-shire with the adjacent counties. During hi… |
OL15990921W |
The Irish Boundary Commission and its origins, 1886-1925
Paul Murray |
In this history of the Irish Boundary Commission, Paul Murray looks at British attempts from 1886 on to satisfy the Irish Nationalist demand for Home Rule. It also examines Ulster and British Unionis… |
OL16082143W |
Transnational Europe
Joan DeBardeleben,Achim Hurrelmann |
"Transnational connections are a defining feature of contemporary Europe. They include cross-border economic and cultural exchange, migration, and political activism. This volume probes their politic… |
OL16151621W |
Shatterzone of Empires
Omer Bartov,Eric D. Weitz |
Shatterzone of Empires is a comprehensive analysis of interethnic relations, coexistence, and violence in Europe's eastern borderlands over the past two centuries. In this vast territory, extending f… |
OL16700052W |
Utopía para realistas
Rutger Bregman |
From a universal basic income to a 15-hour workweek, from a world without borders to a world without poverty – it’s time to return to utopian thinking. Rutger Bregman takes us on a journey through hi… |
OL17686237W |
Tor Hernes |
xv, 311 p. : 23 cm |
OL19269189W |
David Frye |
"A survey of walls throughout history and their role in shaping society."--Provided by publisher. |
OL19753562W |
Tim Marshall |
"Tim Marshall ... analyzes the most urgent and tenacious topics in global politics and international relations by examining the borders, walls, and boundaries that divide countries and their populati… |
OL19761327W |
Grenzen Ränder Niemandsländer
Jochen Schimmang |
Jochen Schimmang schreibt vom Glück, das an den Rändern verborgen liegen kann. Entlang seiner Autobiografie erzählt er davon, was es heißt, ein Kind der britischen Besatzungszone (und nicht eines deu… |
OL20350235W |
Where China Meets India
Thant Myint-U |
Part travelogue, part history, and part investigation of today's fast-moving developments, 'Where China Meets India' is a colourful and compelling exploration of one of the world's least known crossr… |
OL20708106W |
All the boundaries of the land
Nili Wazana |
What are the borders of the Promised Land in the Hebrew Bible? What drives and characterizes the descriptions given of them? The starting point for this research lies in the premise that, despite the… |
OL20957333W |
Border Thinking on the Edges of the West
Andrew Davison |
"Drawing on scholarly and life experience on, and over, the historically posited borders between "West" and "East," the work identifies, interrogates, and challenges a particular, enduring, violent i… |
OL21258814W |
Granice Polski najdawniejszej
Jerzy Nalepa |
319 p., maps; 24 cm. |
OL2233773W |
War, will, and warlords
Cassidy, Robert M. Ph.D. |
"War, Will, and Warlords: Counterinsurgency in Afghanistan and Pakistan, 2001-2011 compares the reasons for and the responses to the insurgencies in Afghanistan and Pakistan since October 2001. The b… |
OL22717223W |
Los límites entre Venezuela y Colombia
Tomás Polanco Alcántara,Eduardo Hernández Carstens |
"Compilation of official documents published by the Venezuela's National Academy of History concerning delimitation of borders with Colombia. Useful source that reproduces bilateral treaties, arbitr… |
OL23577455W |
El golfo de Venezuela
Rafael Angel Sureda Delgado |
"Venezuelan account of historical, diplomatic, and security reasons why Colombia should not possess maritime areas along the Guajira coast between Castilletes and Punta Espada. Biased, but includes a… |
OL2381294W |