Biodiversity of alpine regions
Greg Pyers |
"Discusses the variety of living things in the ecosystem of alpine regions "--Provided by publisher. |
OL15538671W |
Operation: resilient planet
Educational Partnership Program (United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) |
Meet scientists who visit Earth's critical ecosystems to understand pressures from human-induced changes. Researchers explain the science and help you recognize your responsibility for defending biod… |
OL16114535W |
Debra A. Miller |
"Biodiversity: This series covers today's most current national and international issues and the most important opinions of the past and present. The purpose of the series is to introduce readers to … |
OL16694741W |
Relentless Evolution
John N. Thompson |
At a glance, most species seem adapted to the environment in which they live. Yet species relentlessly evolve, and populations within species evolve in different ways. Evolution, as it turns out, is … |
OL16805773W |
Biodiversity dynamics
Michael L. McKinney |
"How will patterns of human interaction with the earth's ecosystem impact biodiversity loss over the long term - not in the next ten or even fifty years, but on the vast temporal scale dealt with by … |
OL16915348W |
Las aves de la Gran Senda de Málaga
Antonio Román Muñoz Gallego |
La observación de aves es una actividad al alcance de todos y puede llegar a convertirse en un modo muy gratificante de acercarnos al medio natural. Colores llamativos, comportamientos curiosos, dive… |
OL17078683W |
Biodiversity of woodlands
Greg Pyers |
"Discusses the variety of living things in a woodland ecosystem"--Provided by publisher. |
OL18730118W |
The Blind Watchmaker
Richard Dawkins |
In De blinde horlogemaker spelen zowel Paley als Darwin een belangrijke rol. De eerstgenoemde als belichaming van het geloof in een voor ede mens onbekende doelgerichtheid van de natuur. Darwin als o… |
OL1966501W |
Friends in the wild
Anne Flounders |
Did you know that the grass, trees, and dirt are the habitats or natural homes for insects, birds, and other animals? Learn why biodiversity is important, how the natural homes of various animals are… |
OL20913665W |