Affekte und die Regulation nonverbalen, interaktiven Verhaltens
Jörg Merten |
Das Buch handelt von Affekten und der Regulation von Nähe und Distanz in politischen Diskussionen. In einer multikanalen Analyse des mimischen, visuellen und paraverbalen Verhaltens wird die Bedeutun… |
OL15728507W |
Affective equality
Kathleen Lynch |
This text provides a different perspective on equality by highlighting and exploring affective equality, the aspect of equality concerned with relationships of love, care and solidarity. |
OL15974018W |
Emotional Design
Donald A. Norman |
"Did you ever wonder why cheap wine tastes better in fancy glasses? Or why washing and polishing your car seems to make it drive better? New research has shown that attractive things really do work b… |
OL1879160W |
Knowing Feeling
Donald L. Nathanson |
Would you mind please to make this book available ? |
OL4104781W |