A Color atlas of comparative, diagnostic and experimental hematology
Clifford A. Smith |
This book illustrates the normal appearance and characteristics of the blood cells and bone marrow of commonly-used laboratory animals, in comparison with abnormal morphologies associated with diseas… |
OL20775581W |
Roeland Vranckx |
Biologie, voedsel, gangenstelsel, leefgebied en voortplanting van de mol en de bestrijding van deze dieren. |
OL24701424W |
A world list of mammalian species
G. B. Corbet |
Listing of orders, families, and species. Classified arrangement. Each entry gives scientific term, synonym or vernacular name, geographical range, and habitat. Bibliography. Index. |
OL4272974W |
The mammalian radiations
John Frederick Eisenberg |
" ... Discusses the principles of the evolution of trophic and reproductive strategies: faunal interchange and the drift of continental land masses; the influence of body size on life-history strateg… |
OL4639221W |