Social and Personal Identity
Derek Layder |
How can you understand yourself? Where do your views, attitudes and values come from and why do they change? In this accessible and illuminating book Derek Layder attempts to provide a reliable guide… |
OL16944255W |
Sjoukje van de Kolk |
Pleidooi voor een levenswijze die niet meer alle nadruk legt op materialisme en uiterlijkheden, waarbij vijf principes worden uitgelegd waarmee je tot de essentie van je eigen leven terugkeert. |
OL26377058W |
After Augustine
Brian Stock |
"Augustine of Hippo was the most prolific and influential writer on reading between antiquity and the Renaissance, though he left no systematic treatise on the subject. His reluctance to synthesize h… |
OL2952346W |
Belief and Unbelief
Novak, Michael. |
This is perhaps the most widely read of Michael Novak's books. Belief and Unbelief attempts to push intelligence and articulation as far as possible into the stuff of what so many philosophers set as… |
OL864544W |