The encyclopedia of women's health
Christine Ammer |
Women in the United States today face a wide range of serious health concerns. More than 8 million women live with heart disease, and 43 percent of American women die from cardiovascular disease. Mor… |
OL103308W |
Cancer has its privileges
Christine Clifford Beckwith |
Cancer survivor and founder of The Cancer Club®, Christine Clifford has been sharing her inspiring, humorous outlook on living with cancer with thousands of cancer patients and their families. Now… |
OL12282135W |
Our bodies, ourselves
Boston Women's Health Book Collective |
"The gold standard for women's health books, in time for the fortieth anniversary of the book's first publication, featuring new material and a completely updated approach to critical women's health … |
OL15991541W |
Difficult Cases In Primary Care Womens Health
Samar Razaq |
x, 181 pages ; 24 cm |
OL17457091W |
Mary Fisher |
The author, after contracting HIV as a young mother, describes how she traveled the world promoting self-sufficiency for HIV-positive women and pursued her own career as an award-winning artist to in… |
OL17904264W |
Sex and cancer
Saketh R. Guntupalli |
xiv, 167 pages ; 24 cm |
OL19715626W |
Chronic resilience
Danea Horn |
"Chronic illness comes with stress, and Chronic Resilience provides a complete self-help blueprint for managing the difficulties chronic illness presents. Certified life coach and speaker Danea Horn,… |
OL19969025W |
Vaginal hysterectomy
John Studd,Shirish S. Sheth |
In recent years advances in laparoscopic technologies have led to renewed interest in the vaginal approach to hysterectomy, which has many proven benefits for patients. This volume, dedicated to expl… |
OL20784406W |
Strong women, strong backs
M.A., Lawrence Lindner,Ph.D, Miriam E. Nelson |
Describes habits and exercises to help women maintain strong and healthy back muscles, and covers home and office environments, stress and emotional factors, and other related topics. |
OL22058615W |
The breast cancer survival manual
John Link,Cynthia Forsthoff,James Waisman,John S. Link |
The book is written by a breast cancer specialist. It covers the following issues: obtaining a second opinion, interpreting pathology reports, mastectomy vs. breast conservation vs. radiation, Tamoxi… |
OL2723893W |
The Natural Makeover Diet
Joey Shulman |
Move over botox and fad diets--Natural Beauty is here to stay! We all want to look our best, feel attractive, and be healthy. Energy and appearance are important at any age. And now achieving these… |
OL6035687W |
Our Bodies, Ourselves
Boston Women's Health Book Collective. |
Discusses the many roles of women and the choices open to them. Includes detailed treatment of feminine hygiene. |
OL6812987W |
The Women's Guide to Fighting Heart Disease
Richard Helfant |
xiv, 207 p. ; 20 cm |
OL8077403W |
Damaged Goods?
Adina Nack |
How do women living with genital herpes and/or HPV (human papilloma virus) infections see themselves as sexual beings, and what choices do they make about sexual health issues? Adina Nack, a medical … |
OL9914582W |