The Edge of Winter
Luanne Rice |
Neve Halloran and her daughter have shared a fierce love for the austere beauty of Rhode Island's South County ever since Neve guided Mickey's first baby steps along the sandy shore. Now, with Micke… |
OL106215W |
Black Hills
Nora Roberts |
In this #1 New York Times bestseller, Nora Roberts takes readers deep into the rugged Black Hills of South Dakota, where the shadows keep secrets, hunters stalk the land, and a childhood friendship m… |
OL111417W |
Animal rescue
Susan E. Goodman |
Describes the work of John Walsh as he travels the world helping to save animals in Kuwait during the war with Iraq, the Kobe earthqake, and floods in Surinam. |
OL15852793W |
The edge of winter
Luanne Rice |
Neve Halloran and her teenage daughter, Mickey, struggle to build a new life together amid the harsh beauty of a wildlife sanctuary in Rhode Island's South County. |
OL16048483W |
Rainforest rescue
Jan Burchett |
Twins Ben and Zoe are sent to the jungles of Borneo to rescue an orangutan and save his refuge from illegal logging. |
OL16175827W |
Tiger trek
Ted Lewin |
Riding on the back of an elephant, the author tours a wildlife park in India, observing the hunting behavior of a mother tiger. |
OL1916330W |
The animals
Christian Kiefer |
"Bill Reed manages a wildlife sanctuary in rural Idaho, caring for injured animals--raptors, a wolf, and his beloved bear, Majer, among them--that are unable to survive in the wild. Seemingly rid of … |
OL20000763W |
Bird Paradise
Terry J. Jennings |
Describes the physical characteristics, behavior, and feeding habits of various types of birds found in bird parks, including eagles, parrots, peacocks, flamingoes, pelicans, and ostriches. |
OL20462191W |
Jennifer Keats Curtis |
Takes readers behind the scenes at five animal sanctuaries and rescue zoos, and one care farm. |
OL20547868W |
Stefan Bechtel |
From Marley and Me to Temple Grandin's groundbreaking books to Cesar Millan's television show, America's many millions of pet owners eagerly seek new insights into animal behavior, and one of the mos… |
OL2130366W |
Penguin problems
Kathryn Lamb |
Committed eco-worriers Evie and Lola find a penguin chick in Evie's garden. It turns out the penguin has been taken from the local wildlife park, which has lately been the subject of awful rumours. L… |
OL24431546W |
Kangaroo Dundee
Chris Barns |
Brolga (aka Chris Barns) is the 6ft 7in strong but sensitive Aussie star of the extraordinary BBC series Kangaroo Dundee. Brolga lives in a simple tin shed in the outback where he raises orphaned bab… |
OL24431924W |
Kyle L. Miller,Randon T. Eddy |
Dillo was born with a permanent smile, and because of this smile her three sisters are jealous. They conspire to take her out into the potentially dangerous marshland of the Bailey Tract wildlife pre… |
OL24823087W |
List of information on the national wildlife refuges, 1955
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
Comprises a list of publications belonging to three different series issued 1947-1955 by the Fish and Wildlife Service on wildlife refuges and a list of four-page bird lists belonging to the series R… |
OL24965144W |
Refuge bird lists
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
A list of issues in the Refuge leaflet series that are birds lists of national wildlife refuges. |
OL24979484W |
Zoos et réserves
Miles Barton |
Chaque volume de cette collection veut sensibiliser les jeunes aux problèmes qu'encoure l'environnement : la pollution (eau, air, terre); la dégradation des habitats (de l'homme, des animaux, des pla… |
OL26198863W |
Ulva Island
Ulva Goodwillie |
Ulva Island is located inside Paterson Inlet of Stewart Island. Ulva Island is universally renowned for the endemic, native birds and plants that constantly fascinate visitors to this little southern… |
OL29317991W |
Great animal refuges
Rafael Serra Naranjo |
Discusses wildlife refuges in various parts of the world and their importance in preserving animals in their natural habitats. |
OL3903904W |
Linda Newbery |
JOSH'S FAMILY IS used to changes--but now they are hurtling into even more. Although Josh has always had an affinity with animals, it's his younger brother Jamie who falls under the all-pervading wil… |
OL5827141W |
A guide to the birds of East Africa
Nicholas Drayson |
Reserved, honourable Mr Malik. You wouldn't notice him in a Nairobi street – except, perhaps, to comment on his carefully sculpted comb-over – but beneath his unprepossessing exterior lie a warm hear… |
OL5957351W |