Walt Whitman
Milton Meltzer |
A biography of the nineteenth-century poet, which presents his life in the context of his times, and includes samples of his writing. |
OL14941681W |
Leaves of grass
Vasant Anant Shahane |
The original CliffsNotes study guides offer expert commentary on major themes, plots, characters, literary devices, and historical background. The latest generation of titles in this series also feat… |
OL1624897W |
The correspondence
Walt Whitman |
106 p. ; 23 cm |
OL16426W |
Leaves of Grass
Walt Whitman |
These are selected poems of Walt Whitman, the great poet and author of one book:
"Leaves of Grass".
Walt Whitman was the poet of the self and the poet of… |
OL16427W |
Rebel Souls
Justin Martin |
"In the shadow of the Civil War, a circle of radicals in a rowdy saloon changed American society and helped set Walt Whitman on the path to poetic immortality. Rebel Souls is the first book ever writ… |
OL19984094W |
Walt Whitman
Sheila Griffin Llanas |
A biography of the nineteenth-century poet, Walt Whitman. |
OL20902054W |
Walt Whitman
Barbara Kerley |
A biography of the American poet whose compassion led him to nurse soldiers during the Civil War, to give voice to the nation's grief at Lincoln's assassination, and to capture the true American spir… |
OL3492366W |
Leaving the m/other
Beth Jensen |
"Leaving the M/other: Whitman, Kristeva, and Leaves of Grass traces the integral role of the "mother" throughout Whitman's canon. The text demonstrates that redefining "mother" allows for a more nuan… |
OL6801782W |
Whitman possessed
Mark Maslan |
"Whitman has long been more than a celebrated American author. He has become a kind of hero, whose poetry vindicates beliefs not only about poetry but also about sexuality and power. In Whitman Posse… |
OL7795704W |