Irritierte Ordnung, moderne Politik
Birger P. Priddat |
Im modernen Staat werden Rechte an Pflichten und konkrete Verantwortlichkeiten gekoppelt. Der Staat ist weder generalverantwortlich noch der Mülleimer der Nation. Sozialer Wert entsteht dort neu, wo … |
OL12947181W |
Value Change and Governance in Canada (Trends Project)
Neil Nevitte |
"Over the past forty years, citizens of most Western industrialized countries have become increasingly alienated from, and mistrustful of, their elected officials.
In this study, scholars of politic… |
OL19358871W |
Justice without trial
Jerome H. Skolnick |
A Utopian community organized around behaviorist principles offers provocative alternatives to a society lacking direction. |
OL3904299W |