Leon Uris |
Sir Adam Kelno has spent his whole life covering up his past. After his political beliefs land him in Jadwiga, Poland’s worst concentration camp, Kelno earns privileges with the Nazis by performing i… |
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Adolf Eichmann
Ruth Sachs |
Biographical account of Adolf Eichmann, known as the engineer of death for his involvement with Hitler's regime during World War II. Also documents his escape, capture and punishment. |
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James Bradley |
This acclaimed bestseller brilliantly illuminates a hidden piece of World War II history as it tells the harrowing true story of nine American airmen shot down in the Pacific. One of them, George H. … |
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The road to Nuremberg
Bradley F. Smith |
Years after the event, the Nuremberg trials remain the most important (and controversial) international legal assault ever launched against aggression and atrocities. Yet, until recently, the full st… |
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Freispruch für die Nazi-Justiz
Jörg Friedrich |
Ein Skandal der deutschen Nachkriegsjustiz und ewiger Dorn im Fleische der jungen Bundesrepublik: Zigtausendfach wurden nach Auffassung der Bundesjustiz Menschen in ordentlichen Verhandlungen nach gü… |
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