Syd Hoff |
Although Walpole is the biggest walrus in the herd, he would rather play with the baby walruses than be a leader. |
OL106119W |
Sports pages
Arnold Adoff |
Poems about the experiences and feelings of young athletes involved in various sports. |
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My life as a walrus whoopee cushion
Bill Myers |
When Wally, Opera, and Wall Street win the Gazillion Dollar Lotto, they confront the dangers of greed and materialism through a series of incidents involving bungling bad guys, a break-in to the zoo,… |
OL15044079W |
Wally Walrus
Barbara DeRubertis |
Bad experiences with a bully make Wally the Walrus balk at going to school before he learns to call upon his natural abilities to prove himself. |
OL15276210W |
The baseball player and the walrus
Ben Loory |
"A successful but unhappy baseball player finds companionship in the pet walrus he adopts but is soon faced with the great challenge of balancing his responsibilities and maintaining the costly upkee… |
OL17898313W |
How do you lift a walrus with one hand?
Louis Phillips |
Presents humorous answers to questions about family life, language and literature, science, travel, and other topics. |
OL1956689W |
Little Walrus warning
Young, Carol |
In Alaska a walrus calf and his mother make their last trip together to the summer feeding grounds in the Chuckchi Sea before he is ready to leave the nursery herd and take his place with the bulls. |
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