What is life?
Addy Pross |
Seventy years ago, Erwin Schrodinger posed a simple, yet profound, question: 'What is life?'. How could the very existence of such extraordinary chemical systems be understood? This problem has puzzl… |
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A la recherche du secret des pyramides
Max Toth |
Par deux chercheurs américains, cet ouvrage de 1974 apporte les dernières découvertes sur ces monuments légendaires et insiste surtout sur les étranges effets de la forme pyramidale avec applications… |
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The Listening Hand
Ilana Rubenfeld |
The Rubenfeld Synergy Method is an elegant, powerful system that integrates bodywork, intuition, and psychotherapy. Memories and emotions stored in our bodies can result in energy blocks and imbalanc… |
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