Advances in virus research
Karl Maramorosch,Frederick A. Murphy,Aaron J. Shatkin |
Published since 1953, Advances in Virus Research covers a diverse range of in-depth reviews providing a valuable overview of the current field of virology. The impact factor for 2007 is 3.120 placing… |
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Advances in Virus Research
Karl Maramorosch |
Published since 1953, Advances in Virus Research covers a diverse range of in-depth reviews providing a valuable overview of the current field of virology. In 2004, the Institute for Scientific Infor… |
OL19859696W |
Lab 257
Michael C. Carroll |
Strictly off limits to the public, Plum Island is home to virginal beaches, cliffs, forests, ponds -- and the deadliest germs that have ever roamed the planet. Lab 257 blows the lid off the stunning … |
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Gina Kolata |
The fascinating, true story of the world's deadliest disease. In 1918, the Great Flu Epidemic felled the young and healthy virtually overnight. An estimated forty million people died as the epidemic … |
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