Stealing lives
Arturo J. Marcano Guevara |
"As a young boy growing up in Venezuela, Alexis Quiroz dreamed of playing in the Major Leagues. Alexis's dreams were like those of thousands of other boys in the Dominican Republic and Venezuela, and… |
OL11606804W |
Asylum City
Liad Shoham |
In this edgy thriller from the #1 international bestselling author of Lineup, which was described by New York Times bestselling author Joseph Finder as "a marvel of tight plotting, spare prose, and r… |
OL17082315W |
Me & Emma
Elizabeth Flock |
Eight-year-old Carrie Parker and her little sister, tired of living in an abusive environment, concoct a plan to run away, but their escape is thwarted by a shocking revelation that will change their… |
OL17744865W |
What Jamie saw
Carolyn Coman |
Having fled to a family friend's hillside trailer after his mother's boyfriend tried to throw his baby sister against a wall, nine-year-old Jamie finds himself living an existence full of uncertainty… |
OL1855163W |
Don't Call Us Dead
Danez Smith |
Award-winning poet Danez Smith is a groundbreaking force, celebrated for deft lyrics, urgent subjects, and performative power. Don't Call Us Dead opens with a heartrending sequence that imagines an a… |
OL19636242W |
The Chibok Girls
Helon Habila |
"Acclaimed novelist Helon Habila, who grew up in northern Nigeria, returned to Chibok and gained intimate access to the families of the kidnapped to offer a devastating account of a tragedy that stun… |
OL20048087W |
Domestic Violence and the Islamic Tradition
Ayesha S. Chaudhry |
This book examines the challenges and resources that the Islamic tradition offers to Muslim scholars who seek to address this dilemma. This is achieved through extensive study of the intellectual his… |
OL20478493W |
Ne le dis pas à maman
Toni Maguire |
La 4e de couv. indique :"L'histoire bouleversante d'une petite fille face à l'inceste et à la trahison..." |
OL21731484W |
La voie de Zahra
Sylvie Brien |
À la mort de son père, Zahra, dix ans, est confié à un riche oncle. La fillette, séparée de sa mère et de sa jeune soeur, n'est pas au bout de ses peines, puisque sa nouvelle famille la considère com… |
OL24838204W |
When love hurts
Jill Cory,Karen McAndless-Davis,Karen R. McAndless-Davis |
A Compassionate & practical guide for women who struggle with relationship abuse. Two experienced counselors lead readers through a process to help them reflect on their experiences from a new perspe… |
OL27012891W |
Au secours des femmes
Pierre Mailloux |
La violence faite aux femmes expliquée clairement, pour comprendre comment se construit le cycle de la violence, comment s'élabore le jeu de manipulation de l'homme violent. Met en avant l'impératif … |
OL27693205W |
The trans-fer student
Elise M. Himes |
"Rachael is just like any other girl ... except she was born a boy. When her family is forced to move due to bullying, she is accepted into a privileged girls' school. her fantasy quickly becomes a n… |
OL27957425W |
And yet, you still chose me
Kimberly Ray |
And Yet, You Still Chose Me ... is an extraordinary and compelling account of a young girl's journey through the unbelievably inconceivable atrocities of sexual abuse at a very young age, teen pregna… |
OL28178215W |
Distant brothers
Robert E. Kellar |
A tragedy - the death of an abused toddler; in counterpoint - a light satire, in farce, of professional baseball Joe Minley, a foul-tongued, self-proclaimed despiser of children, is a 28-year old ex-… |
OL28591008W |
The gingerbread man
Maggie Shayne |
Detective Vincent O'Malley finds two children dead in an abandoned house with a copy of The gingerbread man as his only clue. |
OL28758070W |
My little piece of sunshine
Angela Wills |
"Danny answered breathless on the first ring, shouting that Bryanna had choked on her bottle. I screamed and dropped the phone. When I realized what I had done, I grabbed the dangling phone and told … |
OL28764722W |
Abus de pouvoir
Lyse Frenette |
Récit d'une relation thérapeutique où la patiente a été victime du thérapeute. L'auteure raconte le déroulement de l'affaire et les démarches pour retrouver son équilibre après cet événement traumati… |
OL28773842W |
Le deuxième visage
Joshua Gilder |
"Jackson Maebry, interne dans un service de chirurgie esthétique, est appelé aux urgences car une jeune femme battue et brûlée vient d'arriver. Mais ce qu'ignorent ses confrères, c'est que la victime… |
OL28774936W |
Annotated bibliography of Aboriginal women's health and healing research
Marlyn Bennett |
Provides an interdisciplinary overview of Canadian research literature on issues respecting Aboriginal women, health and healing. Identifies gaps between existing research and community concerns.--AW… |
OL29258009W |
Breaking TWIG
Deborah Epperson |
"Set in rural Georgia in the 1960s, BREAKING TWIG is a coming-of-age novel about Becky (Twig) Cooper, a young woman trying to survive the physical and emotional abuse of her mother, Helen, a beautifu… |
OL31212352W |