Absolute Stability of Nonlinear Control Systems
Xiaoxin Liao |
This volume presents an overview of some recent developments on the absolute stability of nonlinear control systems. Chapter 1 introduces the main tools and the principal results used in this book, s… |
OL19823488W |
Analytical Methods in Rotor Dynamics
Andrew D. Dimarogonas |
The design and construction of rotating machinery operating at supercritical speeds was, in the 1920s, an event of revolutionary importance for the then new branch of dynamics known as rotor dynamics… |
OL19826395W |
Lyapunov Functionals and Stability of Stochastic Functional Differential Equations
Leonid Shaikhet |
Stability conditions for functional differential equations can be obtained using Lyapunov functionals. Lyapunov Functionals and Stability of Stochastic Functional Differential Equations describes the… |
OL19884918W |
Multibody Dynamics
Jean-Claude Samin |
<p>This volume provides the international multibody dynamics community with an up-to-date view on the state of the art in this rapidly growing field of research which now plays a central role in the … |
OL19889414W |
Nonlinear and adaptive control of complex systems
A. L. Fradkov |
This volume presents a theoretical framework and control methodology for a class of complex dynamical systems characterised by high state space dimension, multiple inputs and outputs, significant non… |
OL19891007W |
Proceedings of the FISITA 2012 World Automotive Congress
Zhongguo qi che gong cheng xue hui |
<i>Proceedings of the FISITA 2012 World Automotive Congress </i>are selected from nearly 2,000 papers submitted to the 34th FISITA World Automotive Congress, which is held by Society of Automotive En… |
OL19896853W |