Faithful Place
Tana French |
Back in 1985, Frank Mackey was a nineteen-year-old kid with a dream of escaping hisi family’s cramped flat on Faithful Place and running away to London with his girl, Rosie Daly. But on the night the… |
OL15191187W |
Racial Violence on Trial
Christopher Waldrep |
The Civil War ended slavery, but not the brutal legacy of racism in the United States. As we've seen from the persistence of groups like the Ku Klux Klan and neo-Nazi skinheads, police brutality, and… |
OL1834520W |
On crimes and punishments and other writings
Cesare Beccaria,Aaron Thomas,Jeremy Parzen |
Published in 1764, On Crimes and Punishments by Cesare Beccaria (1738-1794) was greeted with much attention and debate in Europe and North America. Intellectuals and rulers alike commended the work a… |
OL18769437W |
Der Club
Würger Takis |
237 Seiten 19 cm |
OL24339345W |
Petros Markarēs |
Reiche Griechen zahlen keine Steuern. Arme Griechen empören sich darüber, oder sie verzweifeln ob ihrer aussichtslosen Lage. Ein Unbekannter tut weder das eine noch das andere: Er handelt. Mit Drohbr… |
OL27703422W |
Pete Dexter |
Navigating his way between hostile patrons and brutal fellow workers, African American caddy Train finds an ally in a police detective who encourages Train's ambitions and oversees a case involving a… |
OL2915175W |