Anarchismus und Utopie in der Literatur um 1900
Jaap Grave,Peter Sprengel,Hans Vandevoorde |
Der Aufsätze dieses Sammelbandes dokumentieren die anarchistische Tendenzen in der Literatur Deutschlands, Flanderns und der Niederlande zu Ende des 19. und Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts.
(Quelle: [… |
OL17758499W |
Utopian Thought In The Western World
Frank Edward Manuel |
Synopsis: This masterly study has a grand sweep. It ranges over centuries, with a long look backward over several millennia. Yet the history it unfolds is primarily the story of individuals: thinkers… |
OL17920317W |
Molecular red
McKenzie Wark |
"Of all the 'liberation movements' of the twentieth century, the one that succeeded beyond anyone's wildest dreams did not liberate a class or a gender or a race. It liberated an element: carbon. Tod… |
OL23221404W |
Charlotte Perkins Gilman |
One the eve of WWI, three American male explorers stumble onto an all-female society somewhere in the distant reaches of the earth. Unable to believe their eyes, they promptly set out to find some me… |
OL2771987W |
The Kingdom of Science
Paul A. Olson |
"The Kingdom of Science examines Baconian utopias as blueprints for a scientific sociology of knowledge that founded a new social and economic world in the seventeenth century. Looking backward, Paul… |
OL3742274W |
Journey through Utopia
Marie-Louise Berneri |
In this title, originally published in 1950, the author has set out to give a description and a critical assessment of the most important (not necessarily the most famous) Utopian writings since Plat… |
OL4172216W |
American foreign policy and the utopian imagination
Susan M. Matarese |
"With the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War, American decision makers have been forced to confront anew questions about the role of the United States in world affairs. What are… |
OL7797578W |
The new society for universal harmony
Mark Thompson,Jim Long,Geoffrey O'Brien,Susan Canning,Barbara Tannenbaum,Lenore Malen,Jonathan Ames |
"In The new society for universal harmony, Lenore Malen uses pseudo-documentary photographs, "testimonials," case histories, and arcane imagery to archive her own reinvention of the utopian society e… |
OL8905252W |