Pfade in Utopia
Martin Buber |
In this work, Buber expounds upon and defends the Zionist experiment - a federal system of communities on a co-operative basis. He looks to the anarchists Proudhon, Kropotkin and Gustav Landauer, but… |
OL12333W |
Jules Lechevalier, pionnier de l'économie sociale (1806-1862)
Olivier Chaïbi |
Créer une économie sociale qui prenne le contre-pied de l'économie classique. C'est l'idée que prône dans les années 1830 Jules Lechevalier et qu'il mettra en pratique en Guyane. Ce fils de négociant… |
OL13817142W |
Marxism in power
Michael Kort |
Traces the development of Marxism, its rise to power in the Soviet Union and elsewhere, and the factors that led to the collapse of Marxist governments in the late 1980s and early 1990s. |
OL1824848W |
„…die beste Sensation ist das Ewige…“
Michael Matzigkeit |
Gustav Landauer, den homme de lettre und revolutionären Geist in seiner Ganzheit verstehen zu wollen, scheint fast aussichtslos. Wer sich dennoch der Herausforderung stellt, stößt auf einen Kosmos vo… |
OL19396536W |
New Views of Society - Robert Owen for the 21st Century
Molly Scott Cato,Richard Bickle |
This book explores the connections between Robert Owen - the "father of co-operation" and contemporary interpretations of his ideas, through a series of chapters written by leading practitioners in e… |
OL29292279W |