The kingdom of the cults
Walter Ralston Martin |
It is the purpose of this book to evaluate the so-called cults and isms that today are found in abundance in America and on the great mission fields of the world. My approach to the subject is threef… |
OL112243W |
American religion
Mark Chaves |
1 online resource (xx, 149 pages) : |
OL15916851W |
To touch the face of God
Kendrick Oliver |
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth..." In 1968 the world watched as Earth rose over the moonscape, televised from the orbiting Apollo 8 mission capsule. Radioing back to Houston … |
OL16654324W |
Religion, politics, and the American experience
Edith Waldvogel Blumhofer |
"Chief among the essay topics are the evangelical roots of American political life; early conflicts between Enlightenment thinking and spiritual impulses in developing a national identity; the practi… |
OL17896523W |
On the boundaries of American Evangelicalism
Jon R. Stone |
American Evangelicalism is a vast and nearly indefinable coalition movement of sometimes competing, sometimes cooperating denominations and independent churches whose ideological boundaries have been… |
OL1976993W |
Getting religion
Kenneth L. Woodward |
"Blends memoir (especially of the postwar era) with ... reporting and ... historical analysis to tell the story of how American religion, culture, and politics influenced each other in the second hal… |
OL20043497W |
Encyclopedia of new religions
Christopher H. Partridge |
This encyclopedia gives readers a comprehensive map of the significant religious and spiritual groups functioning in today's world, especially in the West. The new religions, sects and alternative sp… |
OL20618205W |
New faiths, old fears
Bruce B. Lawrence |
"As a result of immigration from Asia in the wake of the passage of the 1965 Hart-Celler Immigration Act, the fastest-growing religions in America - faster than all Christian groups combined - are Is… |
OL20946150W |
Spiritual, but not Religious
Robert C. Fuller |
Nearly 40% of all Americans have no connection with organized religion. Yet many of these people, even though they might never step inside a house of worship, live profoundly spiritual lives. But wha… |
OL53607W |
The Amish in the American imagination
David Weaver-Zercher |
"Enveloped in mystery, Amish culture has remained a captivating topic within mainstream American culture. In The Amish in the American Imagination, David Weaver-Zercher explores how Americans through… |
OL7795665W |