The American Revolution
Gordon S. Wood |
Presents a concise history of the American Revolution and the birth of the American republic, from the earliest hints of revolt and unrest through the ratification of the Constitution. |
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The constitutional origins of the American Revolution
Jack P. Greene |
"Using the British Empire as a case study, this succinct study argues that the establishment of overseas settlements in America created a problem of constitutional organization. The failure to resolv… |
OL15456712W |
An Empire On the Edge
Nick Bunker |
This book provides a British-perspective chronicle of the Boston Tea Party and other events that led up to the American Revolution. It traces three years of volatile politics, personalities and econo… |
OL17318115W |
American tempest
Unger, Harlow G. |
From the author of The Last Founding Father, this book is an in-depth study of the Boston Tea Party and how it defined the course of American history. It takes a critical look at the famed incident a… |
OL17738794W |
Forced founders
Woody Holton |
In this provocative reinterpretation of one of the best-known events in American history, Woody Holton shows that when Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and other elite joined their peers from oth… |
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Boston's massacre
Eric Hinderaker |
On the night of March 5, 1770, British soldiers fired into a crowd gathered in front of Boston's Custom House, killing five people. Denounced as an act of unprovoked violence and villainy, the event … |
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The American Revolution
Gordon S. Wood |
In the American colonies of the 1770s, people were fed up with British laws. Local farmers and tradesmen secretly formed a militia. In 1775, when the British marched into Lexington and Concord, Massa… |
OL2737452W |
The American Revolution and the Declaration of Independence
George H Smith |
1 online resource |
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The perfect crisis
Neil R. Stout |
At the outset of 1774, few people on either side of the Atlantic Ocean believed that an American Union was possible--by September of that year, it was a reality. That year of "perfect crisis" witness… |
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The long fuse
Don Cook |
"We lost the American colonies because we lacked the statesmanship to know the time and the manner of yielding what it is impossible to keep," declared Queen Elizabeth II at the American Independence… |
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The causes of the American Revolution
John C. Wahlke |
Part of the "Problems in American Civilization" series this book contains nine reading selected by faculty in the Department of American Studies at Amherst College. Readings are in three groups with … |
OL7200330W |