Topology; a first course
James R. Munkres |
For a one or two semester introduction to topology at the senior or first year graduate level. |
OL113945W |
Geometry with an introduction to cosmic topology
Michael P. Hitchman |
"Geometry with an Introduction to Cosmic Topology is motivated by questions that have ignited the imagination of stargazers since antiquity. What is the shape of the universe? Does the universe have … |
OL13600705W |
Poincare Duality Algebras, Macaulay's Dual Systems, and Steenrod Operations
Dagmar M Meyer |
PoincarE duality algebras originated in the work of topologists on the cohomology of closed manifolds, and Macaulay's dual systems in the study of irreducible ideals in polynomial algebras. These two… |
OL15170876W |
Geometry and Topology
Miles Reid |
Geometry provides a whole range of views on the universe, serving as the inspiration, technical toolkit and ultimate goal for many branches of mathematics and physics. This book introduces the ideas … |
OL15183059W |
Riemann, topology, and physics
Mikhail Il £ich Monastyrskii |
This significantly expanded second edition of Riemann, Topology, and Physics combines a fascinating account of the life and work of Bernhard Riemann with a lucid discussion of current interaction bet… |
OL16917804W |
Topology-Based Methods in Visualization II
Gerald E. Farin |
Visualization research aims at providing insights into large, complex bodies of data. Topological methods are distinguished by their solid mathematical foundation, guiding the algorithmic analysis an… |
OL16936608W |
Topology in molecular biology
Mikhail Ilʹich Monastyrskiĭ |
The book presents a class of results in molecular biology for which topological methods and ideas are important. These include: the large-scale conformation properties of DNA; computational methods (… |
OL16943456W |
A course on Borel sets
S. M. Srivastava |
<br />Author: <br /> Published by <br /> ISBN: <br /> DOI: |
OL18331995W |
Fractals and universal spaces in dimension theory
Stephen Lipscomb |
Historically, for metric spaces the quest for universal spaces in dimension theory spanned approximately a century of mathematical research. The history breaks naturally into two periods - the classi… |
OL18772978W |
Algebras and Orders
Ivo G. Rosenberg |
The book consists of the lectures presented at the NATO ASI on `Algebras and Orders' held in 1991 at the Université de Montréal. The lectures cover a broad spectrum of topics in universal algebra, Bo… |
OL19825475W |
Applications of Point Set Theory in Real Analysis
A. B. Kharazishvili |
The main goal of this book is to demonstrate the usefulness of set-theoretical methods in various questions of real analysis and classical measure theory. In this context, many statements and facts f… |
OL19827211W |
Distance Geometry
Antonio Mucherino |
<p><i>Distance Geometry: Theory, Methods, and Applications</i> is the first collection of research surveys dedicated to distance geometry and its applications. The first part of the book discusses th… |
OL19843709W |
Geometry, Topology and Quantum Field Theory
Pratul Bandyopadhyay |
This monograph deals with the geometrical and topological aspects related to quantum field theory with special reference to the electroweak theory and skyrmions. This book is unique in its emphasis o… |
OL19852633W |
A Guide to the Classification Theorem for Compact Surfaces
Jean Gallier |
This welcome boon for students of algebraic topology cuts a much-needed central path between other texts whose treatment of the classification theorem for compact surfaces is either too formalized an… |
OL19854066W |
Handbook of the History of General Topology
C. E. Aull |
This book is the first one of a work in several volumes, treating the history of the development of topology. The work contains papers which can be classified into 4 main areas. Thus there are contri… |
OL19854399W |
L.E.J. Brouwer – Topologist, Intuitionist, Philosopher
Dirk Dalen |
<p>Dirk van Dalen’s biography studies the fascinating life of the famous Dutch mathematician and philosopher Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer.<br><br>Brouwer belonged to a special class of genius; comple… |
OL19883438W |
Ordered Algebraic Structures
W. Charles Holland |
This book provides a sampling of recent advances in ordered algebraic structures, with emphasis on developments in areas where general topology, category theory and model theory play a prominent role… |
OL19892785W |
Quantum Groups
Christian Kassel |
This book provides an introduction to the theory of quantum groups with emphasis on the spectacular connections with knot theory and on Drinfeld's recent fundamental contributions. The first part pre… |
OL19898208W |
Recurrence in Topological Dynamics
Ethan Akin |
This groundbreaking volume is the first to elaborate the theory of set families as a tool for studying the phenomenon of recurrence. The theory is implicit in such seminal works as Hillel Furstenberg… |
OL19899106W |
Strong Shape and Homology
Sibe Mardešić |
Shape theory is an extension of homotopy theory from the realm of CW-complexes to arbitrary spaces. Besides applications in topology, it has interesting applications in various other areas of mathema… |
OL19904513W |