Crime and punishment in the Buddhist tradition
Nandasēna Ratnapāla |
Chiefly a study on the rules of Buddhist monasticism and religious order; includes reference to the Pārājika (Buddhist law) of Vinayapiṭaka. |
OL1059930W |
Jataka tales
Ellen Lanyon |
Retells thirty of the five hundred tales told by the Buddha some five hundred years before the Christian era. |
OL17671186W |
The songs of the sisters
Usula P. Wijesuriya |
Poems, adapted from the Therigatha, Theravada Buddhist canonical text. |
OL2603314W |
Portraits of Buddhist women
Dharmasēna Thera |
"A collection about Buddhist women translated from the thirteenth-century Sinhala Buddhist text, the Saddharmaratnavaliya, these stories provide insights into the social status and roles of women in … |
OL6211963W |