Remember the sweet things
Ellen Greene |
For twenty years, Ellen Greene kept a running list of the thoughtful, funny, touching things that her husband, Marsh, said and did. She wrote them down secretly, then shared those thoughts with him e… |
OL13750937W |
Just Be Nice ... to your little friends!
Caroline Kenneth |
Pooh discovers that there are fewer bees around after he raids the hive and sees the effect of his actions. |
OL15144060W |
Because Amelia smiled
David Ezra Stein |
A little girl's smile as she skips down the street in New York inspires a neighbor to send cookies to her grandson in Mexico, and the good will soon spreads around the world. |
OL16461747W |
Mindful eating
Jan Chozen Bays |
"How mindfulness can restore the healthy relationship with food we were meant to have--with striking effects on disorders such as overeating, anorexia, and bulimia--an extensively revised edition of … |
OL19725654W |
A children's book about being rude
Joy Berry |
Helps steer children away from rude behavior and helps them behave in ways that garner positive rather than negative feeling from others. |
OL2403705W |
Mes parents sont gentils mais-- tellement amoureux!
Hélène Vachon |
Les parents de Béatrice sont tellement amoureux qu'ils en sont exaspérant : ils sont tellement occupés à se bécoter et à se câliner qu'ils en oublient de faire l'épicerie! Béatrice doit également se … |
OL24532685W |
Willy Wildebeest
Dave Sargent,Pat Sargent |
A visiting wildebeest teaches an ornery cougar and a grouchy gorilla a lesson about being kind and nice to their animal neighbors in the zoo. Includes factual information about the wildebeest. |
OL24861078W |
Oma's Quilt
Paulette Bourgeois |
Emily's grandmother is moving into the Forest View Retirement Home. Leaving her house and neighbors on Maple Street isn't easy after so many years. When Emily goes to visit, she finds Oma sitting in… |
OL29472W |
My cat Maisie
Pamela Allen |
Andrew is very happy when a stray cat comes to his house, but he plays so roughly that the cat runs away. |
OL4033341W |
Learn the value of consideration
Rita Petrucelli |
Presents examples of being considerate of others, such as not interrupting your mom when she has company, bringing a sick neighbor hot soup, and doing your brother's chores when he doesn't feel well. |
OL4283469W |
You First!
Pamela Hill Nettleton |
Kids Talk Using real-life experiences, 8th grade advice columnists Frank B. Wize and Tina Truly write to kids about how to handle sticky situations in fun, creative, and responsible ways! |
OL6027136W |