Ana tanrıçalar, Kybele ve çağdaş Türk resmindeki izdüşümleri
Zühre İndirkaş |
Doç.Dr.Zühre İndirkaş, elinizdeki kitapta Anadolu toprağı ile bütünleşen Ana Tanrıçayı en erken donemlerden başlayarak tarihsel gelişimi içinde tüm yönleriyle dile getirmekte ve Anadolu'nun gelişimin… |
OL12828418W |
Hip Hip Hooray
Birthday party booklet |
OL15688468W |
Paul Hayes Tucker |
An examination of the radical becoming institutionalized by pairing select Impressionist and Post-Impressionist paintings with related works of art from the 17th to the 21st centuries. |
OL27957671W |
The End of Eternity
Isaac Asimov |
The story of temporal engineers who meta-regulate the history of humanity through the centuries, eliminating risk, adventure, and space travel in the process. One man rebels in order to save the exis… |
OL46108W |
Stainless Steel Visions
Harry Harrison,Keith Parkinson |
Fourteen of the author's best science fiction stories include "The Golden Years of the Stainless Steel Rat," "Roommates," and twelve other classic tales. |
OL467208W |
Spaceship medic
Harry Harrison |
When a meteorite kills all the officers aboard, the inexperienced young doctor becomes captain of the space ship. |
OL467261W |
The Barsoom project
Larry Niven,Steven Barnes |
Haunted by her past encounter in Dream Park, where the horrific special effects became real, Eviane returns to confront her nightmares but gets entangled in a vicious game where she is stalked by a k… |
OL510413W |