Religion, revelation & reason
Eric Charles Rust |
This book begins with a general consideration of religious experience and moves to a defense of the Christian revelation as the normative one for all other divine disclosures. This means that increas… |
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The universe next door
James W. Sire |
For more than thirty years, The Universe Next Door has set the standard for a clear, readable introduction to worldviews. In this new fifth edition James Sire offers additional student-friendly featu… |
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God, evil, and ethics
Eric v.d. Luft |
Presents the basic elements of the philosophy of religion tradition in a new and provocative way as original philosophical narrative interspersed with rich selections from Plato, Boethius, Thomas Aqu… |
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The God conspiracy
Bhagwan Rajneesh |
Not believing, but only experiencing, says Osho in this inspiring book, is a way of finding truth and meaning. While Nietzsche's declaration that "God is dead, therefore man is free" was an incredibl… |
OL16937736W |
A Christian view of men and things
Gordon Haddon Clark |
In this book, Dr. Clark outlines his unique Christian Philosophy - a philosophy developed by applying the truth of sola Scriptura to all disciplines. Unlike other philosophers, Dr. Clark regarded ser… |
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Nature red in tooth and claw
Michael J. Murray |
"While the problem of evil remains a perennial challenge to theistic belief, little attention has been paid to the special problem of animal pain and suffering. This absence is especially conspicuous… |
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