Re flexions adresse es, le 25 mai 1790, a M. de Mirabeau l'ai ne , de pute a l'Assemble e nationale
Honoré-Gabriel de Riquetti comte de Mirabeau |
Argues that principles of absolute free trade should control the port of Marseilles and attempts should be made to draw Moslem and Jewish merchants to the city. |
OL17614818W |
Trade Blocs
Pravin Krishna |
Preferential trade blocs are in vogue. Despite the successes achieved in liberalizing trade by multilateral trade negotiations sponsored by the World Trade Organization (WTO), numerous countries have… |
OL5889323W |
Shells at our feet
Mary Baker Moulding |
Relates best locations for shelling in the Bahamas and parts of Florida. Includes twenty-two pages of color photographs of shells from the Bahamas as well as a list of conchological terms. |
OL7263580W |