Pinkie Pie Keeps a Secret
Magnolia Belle |
Pinkie Pie learns the most exciting news in Equestria since Twilight Sparkle became a princess. But can she keep it a secret? |
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We Like Spike!
Jennifer Fox |
Find out what makes Spike the dragon such a great friend, not only to Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie, but to all the ponies in Ponyville! |
OL17336774W |
Daring Do and the Forbidden City of Clouds
G. M. Berrow |
Somewhere above Equestria floats a cloud city completely hidden from sight by ancient magic. Legend says the hidden kingdom is home to a unique type of Pegasus, along with a mysterious treasure calle… |
OL17338077W |
The Superhero Illustrated Guidebook
William E. Anchors Jr. |
A collection of TV superhero episode guides and articles reprinted from issues of "Epi-Log," "Epi-Log Special" and "Epi-Log Journal" magazines. |
OL8890835W |