Statistische Versuchsplanung
Karl Siebertz |
Die statistische Versuchsplanung (Design of Experiment, DoE) ist ein Verfahren zur Analyse von (technischen) Systemen. Dieses Verfahren ist universell einsetzbar und eignet sich sowohl zur Produkt- a… |
OL16948912W |
CIRP Design 2012
Amaresh Chakrabarti |
<p>During its life cycle, a product produces waste that is over 20 times its weight. As such it is critical to develop products that are sustainable. Currently product development processes lack high… |
OL19834620W |
Computational Electromagnetics and Model-Based Inversion
Harold A. Sabbagh |
Computational Electromagnetics and Model-Based Inversion: A Modern Paradigm for Eddy Current Nondestructive Evaluation describes the natural marriage of the computer to eddy-current NDE. Three distin… |
OL19836140W |
Eckart Frankenberger |
Modern product development means problem solving by teams in complex working environments. Thereby, the design process is influenced by factors from various fields, the task, the individual, the team… |
OL19841362W |
Designing for Network and Service Continuity in Wireless Mesh Networks
Parth H. Pathak |
“Designing for Network and Service Continuity in Wireless Mesh Networks” describes performance predictability of the new wireless mesh network paradigm, and describes considerations in designing netw… |
OL19841410W |
ESD - The Scourge of Electronics
S. Hellström |
This book deals with the influence of electrostatic discharges upon electronic components and systems and how to avoid it. The nature and the generation of static electricity is described with histor… |
OL19848295W |
Essentials of Risk Theory
Sabine Roeser |
Risk has become one of the main topics in fields as diverse as engineering, medicine and economics, and it is also studied by social scientists, psychologists and legal scholars. This Springer Essent… |
OL19848445W |
Experimental Quality
Jiju Antony |
Improving the quality of products and manufacturing processes at low cost is an economic and technological challenge to industrial engineers and managers alike. In today's business world, the impleme… |
OL19849043W |
Fuzzy Hierarchical Model for Risk Assessment
Hing Kai Chan |
Risk management is often complicated by situational uncertainties and the subjective preferences of decision makers. Fuzzy Hierarchical Model for Risk Assessment introduces a fuzzy-based hierarchical… |
OL19852010W |
Guide to Applying Human Factors Methods
Pietro Carlo Cacciabue |
Human error plays a significant role in many accidents involving safety-critical systems, and it is now a standard requirement in both the US and Europe for Human Factors (HF) to be taken into accoun… |
OL19854060W |
Sara Mortimore |
<p><i>HACCP: A Practical Approach, 3<sup>rd</sup> edition</i><b> </b>has been updated<b> </b>to include the current best practice and new developments in HACCP application since the last edition was … |
OL19854175W |
Handbook of Total Quality Management
Christian N. Madu |
Quality issues are occupying an increasingly prominent position in today's global business market, with firms seeking to compete on an international level on both price and quality. Consumers are dem… |
OL19854583W |
High Impulse Voltage and Current Measurement Techniques
Klaus Schon |
Equipment to be installed in electric power-transmission and distribution systems must pass acceptance tests with standardized high-voltage or high-current test impulses which simulate the stress on … |
OL19855276W |
Inelastic Analysis of Structures under Variable Loads
Dieter Weichert |
The question whether a structure or a machine component can carry the applied loads, and with what margin of safety, or whether it will become unserviceable due to collapse or excessive inelastic def… |
OL19857267W |
Intelligent Sensory Evaluation
Da Ruan |
In today's industrial companies, sensory evaluation is widely used in quality inspection of products, in marketing study and in many other fields such as risk evaluation, investment evaluation and sa… |
OL19858264W |
Introduction to Risk and Uncertainty in Hydrosystem Engineering
Ehsan Goodarzi |
<p>Water engineers require knowledge of stochastic, frequency concepts, uncertainty analysis, risk assessment, and the processes that predict unexpected events. <br><br>This book presents the basics … |
OL19859217W |
Hermann Simon |
Langfristig resultiert der Erfolg eines Untemehrnens aus der uberlegenen Qualitat seiner Produkte oder Dienstleistungen gegenuber dem Wettbewerb. Viele Untemehrnenslei tungen meinen freilich noch imm… |
OL19880615W |
Mathematical Reliability: An Expository Perspective
Refik Soyer |
In this volume consideration was given to more advanced theoretical approaches and novel applications of reliability to ensure that topics having a futuristic impact were specifically included. Topic… |
OL19886358W |
Mixed Oxide Fuel (Mox) Exploitation and Destruction in Power Reactors
Erich R. Merz |
MOX fuel, a mixture of weapon-grade plutonium and natural or depleted uranium, may be used to deplete a portion of the world's surplus of weapon-grade plutonium. A number of reactors currently operat… |
OL19888438W |
Model-Based Fault Diagnosis Techniques
Steven X. Ding |
<p>Guaranteeing a high system performance over a wide operating range is an important issue surrounding the design of automatic control systems with successively increasing complexity. As a key techn… |
OL19888549W |