Advanced Materials Modelling for Structures
Holm Altenbach |
This volume presents the major outcome of the IUTAM symposium on “Advanced Materials Modeling for Structures”. It discusses advances in high temperature materials research, and also to provides a dis… |
OL19823971W |
Advanced Structural and Functional Materials
Wolfgang G. J. Bunk |
This volume contains the lectures presented at the 1991 DLR Seminar on Advanced Structural and Functional Materials. They focus on advanced materials in research and development or at the edge of bei… |
OL19824045W |
Advanced Technologies Based on Wave and Beam Generated Plasmas
H. Schlüter |
This book draws together three areas of work on plasma technologies: advanced efforts based on wave generated, high frequency plasmas, plasma assisted ion implantation, and electron beam generated pl… |
OL19824056W |
Advances in Complex Electromagnetic Materials
A. Priou |
Recent advances in our understanding of complex composite media, especially chiral media for microwave applications, suggest the feasibility of creating novel materials with unusual properties and th… |
OL19824258W |
Advances in the Crystallographic and Microstructural Analysis of Charge Density Wave Modulated Crys…
Frank W. Boswell |
Modulated crystals have been intensively investigated over the past several years and it is now evident that an understanding of their crystallography and microstructure is fundamental to the elucida… |
OL19824344W |
Analysis of Material Removal Processes
Warren R. DeVries |
Metal removal processes - cutting and grinding in this book - are an integral part of a large number of manufacturing systems, either as the primary manufacturing process, or as an important part of … |
OL19826310W |
Application of Particle and Laser Beams in Materials Technology
P. Misaelides |
The development of advanced materials with preselected properties is one of the main goals of materials research. Of especial interest are electronics, high-temperature and superhard materials for va… |
OL19827113W |
Applications of Electroactive Polymers
Bruno Scrosati |
The purpose of this book is to review the various fields which are the most appropriate for the exploitation of the intrinsic properties of various types of electroactive polymers, providing the basi… |
OL19827146W |
Auger- and X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy in Materials Science
S. Hofmann |
<p>To anyone who is interested in surface chemical analysis of materials on the nanometer scale, this book is prepared to give appropriate information. Based on typical application examples in materi… |
OL19829005W |
Basic Principles in Applied Catalysis
Manfred Baerns |
Written by a team of internationally recognized experts, this book addresses the most important types of catalytic reactions and catalysts as used in industrial practice. Both applied aspects and the… |
OL19829798W |
Basic Semiconductor Physics
Chihiro Hamaguchi |
This book presents a detailed description of the basic physics of semiconductors. All the important equations describing the properties of these materials are derived without the help of other textbo… |
OL19829820W |
Biologically Modified Polymeric Biomaterial Surfaces
E. Piskin |
This book represents the proceedings of a workshop on biologically modified biomaterial surfaces held in Turkey in June 1992. Its aim is to bring together the most recent research by the leading scie… |
OL19831265W |
Bond-Orientational Order in Condensed Matter Systems
Katherine J. Strandburg |
One of the most important aspects of solid materials is the regularity of the arrangement of the constituent molecules, that is, the long-range order. The focus of this book is on the contribution ma… |
OL19831895W |
Carbon-Carbon Composites
G. Savage |
This definitive reference work deals with the properties, fabrication, applications and economics of an important class of advanced materials known as carbon fibre reinforced carbon composites. |
OL19833216W |
Carbon and High Performance Fibres Directory and Databook
Trevor Starr |
This is a worldwide directory of all commercially available advanced composite fibre materials. All product tables in the directory are indexed by the name of the manufacturer in each section and num… |
OL19833226W |
Chemical-Mechanical Planarization of Semiconductor Materials
Michael R. Oliver |
This volume is a comprehensive review of CMP (Chemical-Mechanical Planarization) technology, which is now a major part of state-of-the-art semiconductor technology. There are detailed discussions of … |
OL19834006W |
Computational Electromagnetics and Model-Based Inversion
Harold A. Sabbagh |
Computational Electromagnetics and Model-Based Inversion: A Modern Paradigm for Eddy Current Nondestructive Evaluation describes the natural marriage of the computer to eddy-current NDE. Three distin… |
OL19836140W |
Corrosion of Advanced Ceramics
Klaus G. Nickel |
Corrosion behaviour is one of the most poorly understood characteristics of ceramics. A balanced mixture of scientists from material science, metallurgy, physics, chemistry and mineralogy sum up the … |
OL19838146W |
Crystallization of Nanoscaled Colloids
Philip G. Born |
This thesis deals with the processes that create ordered assemblies from disordered nanoparticles. Ordered packings of nanoscale particles can exhibit unusual properties. This work investigates the s… |
OL19838881W |
Disorder and Order in Strongly Nonstoichiometric Compounds
Alexandr I. Gusev |
This book embraces the entire range of problems associated with nonstoichiometry, disorder and order in solids. Although dealing primarily with transition metal carbides, nitrides and oxides, the met… |
OL19843670W |