Style, gender, and fantasy in nineteenth-century American women's writing
Dorri Beam |
"Dorri Beam presents an important contribution to nineteenth-century fiction by examining how and why a florid and sensuous style came to be adopted by so many authors. Discussing a diverse range of … |
OL15537055W |
Britannica Book of English Usage
Various |
Grammar, Spelling, Pronunciation, and Vocabulary. English today and Yesterday.Writing and Speaking Effectively. Plus: Guide to using a Library. Glossary of Foreign Words & Phrases. Abbreviation Guide… |
OL15668220W |
Guido Maria Kretschmer |
Der Modedesigner ist sich sicher, dass jede Frau toll aussehen kann, wenn sie einige Kniffe berücksichtigt. "Stil kennt keine Konfektionsgröße", ist seine Devise, und so findet er für jeden Figurtypu… |
OL26197300W |
The language of magazines
Linda McLoughlin |
Aimed at A-Level and beginning undergraduate students, The Language of Magazines:*shows how linguistic techniques such as puns and presuppositions are used by magazines to capture our attention*exami… |
OL494031W |