Let's get free
Paul Delano Butler |
Paul Butler was an ambitious federal prosecutor, a Harvard Law grad who traded in his corporate law salary to fight the good fight. It was those years on the front lines that convinced him that the A… |
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Voyage au pays de la double peine
Faure, Michaël chargé d'études) |
Plus de 20 000 personnes, condamnées à une sanction pénale ont subi, ces dernières années, à leur sortie de prison une seconde peine du fait de leur statut d'étrangers : l'interdiction de séjour sur … |
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Surrogate motherhood
Martha A. Field |
A practice known since biblical times, surrogate motherhood has only recently leaped to prominence as a way of providing babies for childless couples -- and leaped to notoriety through the dramatic c… |
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