Population and housing
United States. Bureau of the Census |
Each report covers a standard metropolitan statistical area. Population data cover: general, social, labor force, income, general, and social characteristics, general, social, and economic characteri… |
OL1369800W |
Clinical prediction models
Ewout W. Steyerberg |
This book aims to provide insight and practical illustrations on how modern statistical concepts and regression methods can be applied in medical prediction problems, including diagnostic and prognos… |
OL15066360W |
A handbook of statistical analyses using R
Brian Everitt |
This book presents straightforward, self-contained descriptions of how to perform a variety of statistical analyses in the R environment. From simple inference to recursive partitioning and cluster a… |
OL1687735W |
Plunkett's biotech & genetics industry almanac 2015
Jack W. Plunkett |
The data and areas of interest covered are intentionally broad, ranging from the ethical questions facing biotechnology, to emerging technology, to an in-depth look at the major for-profit firms with… |
OL24846468W |
Florida statistical abstract 2011
University of Florida. Bureau of Economic and Business Research |
"This award-winning research volume of statistical data about Florida is the leading source of data on Florida and its cities and counties, providing information on population, housing, employment, i… |
OL28217505W |
OECD Economic Outlook, Volume 2000 Issue 1.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development |
Twice a year, the OECD Economic Outlook analyses the major trends that will mark the next two years. It provides in-depth coverage of the economic policy measures required to foster high and sustaina… |
OL28606155W |
International Encyclopedia of Statistics 2 Vols
William H. and Judity M. Tanur Kruskal |
The *International Encyclopedia of Statistics* includes articles on statistics and articles relevant to statistics that were first published in the *International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences*… |
OL9298808W |