Think On My Words
David Crystal |
'You speak a language that I understand not.' Hermione's words to Leontes in The Winter's Tale are likely to ring true with many people reading or watching Shakespeare's plays today. For decades, peo… |
OL114322W |
Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde describing disordered relationship between science and the …
Robert Louis Stevenson,Dr. Andrej Poleev |
A conceptual book of metascience |
OL15374185W |
The spell of the sensuous
David Abram |
[In this book, the author] draws on sources as diverse as the philosophy of Merleau-Ponty, Balinese shamanism, Apache storytelling, and his own experience as an accomplished sleight-of-hand magician … |
OL15845262W |
Language and action in cognitive neuroscience
Yann Coello,Angela Bartolo |
"This book collates the most up to date evidence from behavioural, brain imagery and stroke-patient studies, to discuss the ways in which cognitive and neural processes are responsible for language p… |
OL16617681W |
What's up with Catalonia?
Liz Castro |
Description: On September 11, 2012, on Catalonia’s National Day, 1.5 million people from all over Catalonia marched peacefully and joyfully through the streets of Barcelona, behind a single placard: … |
OL16804505W |
Dickens's style
Tyler, Daniel. |
Charles Dickens, generally regarded as the greatest novelist of the Victorian age, was known as 'The Inimitable', not least for his distinctive style of writing. This collection of twelve essays addr… |
OL16813941W |
Foundations of musical grammar
Lawrence Michael Zbikowski |
"How is it that humans are able to organize seemingly random sounds into the captivating sonic structures we call music? In this volume, Lawrence M. Zbikowski aruges that humans' unique ability to co… |
OL19746676W |
The making of literate societies
Nancy Torrance,David R. Olson |
This volume, a result of a policy forum of educational psychologists, sociologists, policy makers and field workers, aims to highlight the role of literacy in social development and the directions th… |
OL20616339W |
Powerful Talk
Joanna Thornborrow |
Joanna Thornborrow examines discourse, power and ideology by introducing new perspectives on the relationship between social structures of power and interaction. |
OL2685329W |
The sixth language
Robert K. Logan |
x, 318 p. ; 24 cm |
OL3190421W |
The languages of the world
Kenneth Katzner |
An excellent overview of how all the world's main languages interconnect where they do. It also gives samples of the language with translation for a large number of languages. |
OL3480396W |
Emily Dickinson, a poet's grammar
Cristanne Miller |
Traces the roots of Dickinson's unusual, compressed, ungrammatical, and richly ambiguous style of poetry. |
OL3747700W |
The Language Instinct ("Daily Telegraph" Talking Science)
Steven Pinker |
From the Preface...
I have never met a person who is not interested in language. I wrote this book to try to satisfy that curiosity. Language is beginning to submit to that uniquely satisfying kin… |
OL477832W |
Language and gender
Penelope Eckert |
Language and Gender is a new introduction to the study of the relation between gender and language use, written by two of the leading experts in the field. It covers the main topics, beginning with a… |
OL4796607W |
The language of magazines
Linda McLoughlin |
Aimed at A-Level and beginning undergraduate students, The Language of Magazines:*shows how linguistic techniques such as puns and presuppositions are used by magazines to capture our attention*exami… |
OL494031W |
Sozialgeschichte des Lesens
Jost Schneider |
Das Buch liefert eine neuartige Geschichte der deutschen Literatur von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart. Im Sinne einer Gesamtgeschichte der gelesenen Literatur beschreibt es nicht nur die Höhenkammlit… |
OL5902274W |
The Languages of Tolkien's Middle-earth
Ruth S. Noel |
Presents a comprehensive pocket guide to the fourteen languages of Tolkien's Middle-Earth and contains a dictionary and English/Elvish glossary, rules of grammar and pronunciation, and how to write t… |
OL6324302W |
The Shtetl book
Diane K. Roskies |
Examines the history and way of life of Jews in Eastern Europe. |
OL6826312W |
Two cheers for democracy
E. M. Forster |
A collection of poetical essays revealing the social conscience of the modern English novelist. |
OL88874W |