Cancionero popular mexicano
Mario Kuri-Aldana |
bolero |
OL18364329W |
Cantares tradicionales del Tucumán
Juan Alfonso Carrizo |
"This reprint of the 1934 publication compiles traditional lyrics, including romances, coplas, and glosas, and transcriptions of melodies collected by the author in the region of Tucumán"--Handbook … |
OL19434881W |
They came singing
Karen Arlen,Margaret Batt,Nancie Kester,Mary Ann Benson |
Collection of over sixty traditional songs from California's history. Begins with songs of Native California tribes and continues through European exploration, Spanish and Mexican rule, U.S. explorat… |
OL19699748W |
John Holmes McDowell |
The present compilation of ballads from the Mexican states of Guerrero and Oaxaca documents one of the world's great traditions of heroic song, a tradition that has thrived continuously for the last … |
OL20030520W |
Songs of Latin America
Ana Lucia Frega,Gayle Giese,Nadine Demarco,Maria A. Chenique,Patricia Shehan Campbell |
Includes songs from the Caribbean and Central and South America, together with teaching suggestions, activities and background information for classroom use |
OL2660199W |
Estaba la rana
Paloma Valdivia |
A traditional folk song that teaches children about frogs and other animals.
Una canción popular tradicional que enseña a los niños acerca de las ranas y otros animales. |
OL27028010W |
Vidas paralelas
José Guadalupe Ojeda Aguilar |
El texto reúne los testimoniales de los dos últimos arpistas que, acompañados con arpa diatónica, interpretan canciones y corridos de los periodos de la Revolución Mexicana y de la Rebelión Cristera … |
OL2816205W |