Ejército y milicias en el mundo colonial americano
Juan Marchena Fernández |
"Well-organized, clearly written institutional study of the Spanish military primarily during the Bourbon Reform era. Based on considerable archival research and extensively footnoted"--Handbook of L… |
OL2401225W |
Abel Paz |
*Durruti in the Spanish Revolution* is as much the chronicle of an entire nation and of a tumultuous historical era. Paz seamlessly weaves intimate biographical details of Durruti's life—his progress… |
OL2873221W |
El Ejército realista en la independencia americana
José Semprún |
"General history of Spanish military during wars of independence contains both a survey of institutional factors and a narrative of the fighting. Chapters on guerrilla warfare and ideological motivat… |
OL3183745W |
An Extraordanary Atlantic Life
Gilbert C. Din |
"Although not widely known in Louisiana, Sebastián Calvo de la Puerta was an interim governor for two years (1799-1801), during an era that most historians have ignored. He came from a Spanish family… |
OL32698550W |