Network power
David Singh Grewal |
For all the attention globalization has received in recent years, little consensus has emerged concerning how best to understand it. For some, it is the happy product of free and rational choices; fo… |
OL12479760W |
Barry Wellman,Lee Rainie |
Daily life is connected life, its rhythms driven by endless email pings and responses, the chimes and beeps of continually arriving text messages, tweets and retweets, Facebook updates, pictures and … |
OL16167934W |
The social in the global
Jonathan Joseph |
"How do influential social ideas contribute to global governance? This book takes an original approach to international relations by looking at the way social ideas help to portray the world in a par… |
OL16607420W |
Grenzen von Netzwerken
Roger Häußling |
Während Systeme aufgrund ihrer Selbstreferenzialität über klare Grenzen verfügen, wird in der Netzwerkforschung noch kontrovers über den Status von Netzwerkgrenzen diskutiert. Als dynamische, mit Zen… |
OL19853521W |
Work's intimacy
Gregg, Melissa |
This title provides an account of online technology and its impact on the work and lifestyles of professional employees. It moves between the offices and homes of today's salaried professionals to pr… |
OL20547352W |
Erfolgsrituale für Business-Hexen
Silke Foth |
Wann kommen wir drei wieder zusammen? (Shakespeare, Macbeth) Das Old-Boys-Network ist ein geflügeltes Wort. Doch selbst Menschen, die dieses Wort im Mund führen, verkennen oft sein eigentliches Wesen… |
OL29229428W |
Marketing to the Social Web
Larry Weber |
An updated and expanded Second Edition of the popular guide to social media for the business community Marketers must look to the Web for new ways of finding customers and communicating with them,… |
OL3000996W |
Nicholas A. Christakis,James H. Fowler |
Your colleague's husband's sister can make you fat, even if you don't know her. A happy neighbor has more impact on your happiness than a happy spouse. These startling revelations of how much we trul… |
OL8027318W |