Soviet women on the frontline in the Second World War
Roger D. Markwick |
"More than 800,000 Soviet women fought against Hitler's onslaught during the 'Great Patriotic War,' 1941-45. Female participation in military conflict on such a scale is historically unique. This is … |
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Game Plan
Zbigniew K. Brzezinski,Samuel P. Huntington |
Comparative analysis of Soviet and American institutions, sponsored jointly by the Russian Institute and The Institute of War and Peace Studies, Columbia University. |
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Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler
Robert Gellately |
A bold new accounting of the great social and political upheavals that enveloped Europe between 1914 and 1945--from the Russian Revolution through the Second World War.In Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler, a… |
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Alfred G. Meyer |
Written by a former Professor of Political Science at Michigan State University, 'Leninism' attempts a definitive and dispassionate study of Lenin's teachings and their influence in the formation of … |
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Simon Sebag-Montefiore |
The fascination with evil; that is how I describe reading this book. Because the main character - Josyp Stalin - fascinated like a snake. His evil is unwavering; from the early 1920's until his dea… |
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