Evidence of francophony in mediaeval Levant
Cyril Aslanov |
"This study is an annotated edition and commentary of an Arabic-Old French phrase book found on the last 13 pages of a Coptic lexicographic treatise compiled in the 13th century and recopied in the 1… |
OL10010896W |
Historical and genealogical miscellany
John E. Stillwell |
generalogical miscellany of many families in New Jersey |
OL10310596W |
Jane Eyre
Charlotte Brontë |
The novel is set somewhere in the north of England. Jane's childhood at Gateshead Hall, where she is emotionally and physically abused by her aunt and cousins; her education at Lowood School, where s… |
OL1095427W |
A noble combat
Shiela Grant Duff |
Adam von Trott, 24, a German Rhodes scholar, and Shiela Duff, 18, intellectually precocious daughter of the British aristocracy, met at Oxford in 1931, became platonic comrades and shared a dream of … |
OL11284617W |
The medieval Hungarian historians
C. A. Macartney |
xv, 190 p. 22 cm. |
OL1134527W |
Los bronces de Osuna y los nuevos bronces de Osuna
Manuel Rodríguez de Berlanga |
Facsímil de las dos publicaciones de Manuel Rodríguez de Beranga sobre los bronces municipales de la antigua Osuna (Colonia Genetiva Iulia), con un estudio preliminar sobre la arqueología de Osuna y … |
OL12533730W |
Ordynacje i statuty szpitali gdanskich XV-XIX w
Adam Szarszewski,Adam Szarszewski |
214 p. ; 21 cm. |
OL12892904W |
The Hammonds of Redcliffe
Hammond family. |
James Henry Hammond (1807-1864) was born at Stoney Battery, South Carolina to Elisha (1774-1829) and Catherine Fox Spann Hammond (1785-1864). In 1831 he married Catherine Elizabeth Fitzsimons (1814-1… |
OL13317696W |
The Chicanos in America 1540-1974
Richard A. Garcia |
A chronological history of Mexican Americans from 1540 to 1974 including pertinent documents and bibliography. |
OL13357733W |
Dzieje prezydentury Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej na uchodźstwie
Marian Czesław Sokołowski |
Opisuje okres od ostatnich dni prezydentury Ignacego Mościckiego do zakończenia kadencji Prezydenta Lecha Wałęsy. Przedstawia wszystkich prezydentów i rządy Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej na uchodźstwie. … |
OL13615016W |
Cahokia records, 1778-1790
Cahokia (Ill.) |
This is a volume in the series “Collections of the Illinois State Historical Library”. It begins with a 150-page history of Cahokia by Professor Clarence Alvord, which provides some historical backgr… |
OL13788251W |
The war before
Wonda Jones,Safiya Asya Bukhari,Laura Whitehorn |
>*The War Before* traces Bukhari’s lifelong commitment as an advocate for the rights of the oppressed. Following her journey from middle-class student to Black Panther to political prisoner, these wr… |
OL13854700W |
Days of Jubilee
Patricia McKissack |
Uses slave narratives, letters, diaries, military orders, and other documents to chronicle the various stages leading to the emancipation of slaves in the United States. |
OL14860532W |
Against Slavery
Mason I. Lowance,Theodore Dwight Weld,Cotton Mather,Frederick Douglass,Robert Dale Owen,Alexander Crummell,William Lloyd Garrison |
Assembles more than forty speeches, lectures, and essays critical to the abolitionist crusade. Features William Lloyd Garrison, Frederick Douglass, Lydia Maria Child, Wendell Phillips, Harriet Beeche… |
OL15061697W |
Historische Texte altbabylonischer Herrscher + Historische Texte des neubabylonischen Reichs + Text…
Eberhard Schrader,Peter Christian Albrecht Jensen,Felix Ernst Peiser,Hugo Winckler |
The Keilinschriftliche Bibliothek consists of 6 volumes in 8 books:
- Band 1. *Historische Texte des altassyrischen Reichs* (Reuther, 1889) / E. Schrader, F. E. Peiser, H. Winckler, L. Abel (H. Re… |
OL15360809W |
Passenger lists of vessels arriving at Baltimore, 1820-1891
United States. Bureau of Immigration |
"On the 50 rolls of this microfilm publication are reproduced unbound passenger lists of vessels arriving at the port of Baltimore from foreign ports, 1820-91"--P. 1, Pamphlet describing M255. |
OL15370986W |
Conversations with Myself
Nelson Mandela,Barack Obama,Rosa Maria Borràs Montané |
Nelson Mandela is one of the most inspiring and iconic figures of our age. Now, after a lifetime of taking pen to paper to record thoughts and events, hardships and victories, he has bestowed his ent… |
OL15398911W |
The divorce tracts of John Milton
John Milton |
"Collects Milton's five divorce tracts, including the first modern transcription of An Answer to a Book, intitled, The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce, presenting a full picture of Milton's views … |
OL15414503W |
Michael Bakunin
Hugo Ball |
Das umfangreichste unveröffentlichte Werk Hugo Balls – neunzig Jahre nach seiner Projektierung erstmals publiziert.
Angesichts des Weltkrieges war es für Hugo Ball eine Sache des publizistischen G… |
OL15419057W |
Le Morte d'Arthur
Thomas Malory |
**Le Morte d'Arthur** (originally spelled **Le Morte Darthur**, ungrammatical Middle French for "The Death of Arthur") is a 15th-century Middle English prose reworking by Sir Thomas Malory of tales a… |
OL15450151W |