An army in skirts
Frances DeBra Brown |
"Over 150,000 women served in the Women's Army Corps (WAC) in World War II. Although the majority of WACs were assigned to duties in the United States, several thousand received overseas assignments.… |
OL17784870W |
Hay herosuhi kanaykʻ
Ēdik Minasyan |
"Grkʻum andradardz ē katarvum hayuhineri herosakan gortsuneutʻyaně 20-rd daraskzbi hayotsʻ azatamarti tarinerin. Aṛandzin kʻnnutʻyan nyutʻ en haydukayin (fidayakan) paykʻari, Erkror ashkharhamarti, i… |
OL32637314W |
Women and war
Jean Bethke Elshtain |
From the Publisher: Jean Elshtain examines how the myths of Man as "Just Warrior" and Woman as "Beautiful Soul" serve to recreate and secure women's social position as noncombatants and men's identit… |
OL891982W |