Interpreting Clifford Geertz
Jeffrey C. Alexander |
"Meaning is everywhere and everybody must interpret. Nobody argued this more persuasively than Clifford Geertz. From Balinese cock fights to sheep raids to theater states, Geertz showed that there is… |
OL15976503W |
Longitudinal data analysis
Jason T. Newsom |
"This book provides accessible treatment to state-of-the-art approaches to analyzing longitudinal studies. Comprehensive coverage of the most popular analysis tools allows readers to pick and choose … |
OL16298117W |
Erez Aiden |
By teaming with Google, they were able to analyse the text of millions of books. The result was a new field of research and scientific tool, the Google Ngram Viewer. Charts trends in human history … |
OL17038409W |
Designing General Linear Models To Test Research Hypotheses
John W. Fraas,Isadore Newman,Keith A. McNeil |
The focus of this text is placed on designing General Linear Models (regression models) to test research hypotheses. The authors illustrate and discuss General Linear Models specifically designed to … |
OL17399810W |
The practice of social research
Earl R. Babbie |
This is a comprehensive, straightforward introduction to the field of research as practiced by social scientists. This best-selling book emphasizes the research process by demonstrating how to design… |
OL17730681W |
Handbook of research on electronic surveys and measurements
Rodney A. Reynolds,Jason D. Baker,Robert Woods |
"This book is the comprehensive reference source for innovative knowledge on electronic surveys. It provides complete coverage of the challenges associated with the use of the Internet to develop onl… |
OL18414629W |
Approaches to qualitative research
Patricia Lina Leavy,Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber |
Qualitative research encompasses a growing set of methods that eschew strictly empirical, quantitative data in favor of information gathered through ethnography, in-depth interviewing, focus groups, … |
OL18950100W |
Reliability and validity assessment
Edward G. Carmines |
The authors present an elementary and exceptionally lucid introduction to issues in measurement theory. They define and discuss validity and reliability; proceed to a discussion of three basic types … |
OL4637433W |
Research methods for everyday life
Scott W. VanderStoep |
This book offers an innovative introduction to social research. The book explores all stages of the research process and it features both quantitative and qualitative methods. Research design topics … |
OL7909295W |
Turn to Biographical Methods in Social Science
Pr Chamberlayne |
Biographical research methods have become a useful and popular tool for contemporary social scientists. This book combines an exploration of the historical and philosophical origins of this important… |
OL8096415W |