
19 results found
Title Authors Description OpenBook ID
New American Schools after six years New American Schools after six years Glennan, Thomas Keith xv, 90 p. : 23 cm OL1818626W
Small Area Statistics Small Area Statistics J. N. K. Rao,Richard Platek,R. Platek,C. E. Sarndal Presented here are the most recent developments in the theory and practice of small area estimation. Policy issues are addressed, along with population estimation for small areas, theoretical develop… OL19184305W
Bibliographie zur deutschen Soziologie Bibliographie zur deutschen Soziologie Matthias Herfurth Nen, Diplom- und Magisterarbeiten. Das Material wurde schlieBlich nach 29 Kapiteln geordnet und zusatzlich iiber ein Sachregister erfaBt, in dem die jeweilige Veroffentli chung thematisch inhaltlich … OL19830889W
Öffentliche Kommunikation Öffentliche Kommunikation Günter Bentele,Hans-Bernd Brosius,Otfried Jarren Als Leitband für die Lehrbuchreihe "Studienbücher zur Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft" konzipiert, gibt das Handbuch in kompakten Kapiteln einen Überblick über die wichtigsten Forschungsfelder… OL19849825W
Hunters between East and West Hunters between East and West Jiří Svoboda This illuminating work describes-for the first time in English-current research on the environmental background, physical human evolution, and cultural development in Central Europe and Moravia durin… OL19856285W
The interpretation of archaeological spatial patterning The interpretation of archaeological spatial patterning T. Douglas Price,Ellen M. Kroll Investigations of archaeological intrasite spatial patterns have generally taken one of two directions: studies that introduced and explored methods for the analysis of archaeological spatial pattern… OL19858726W
Verlust der Sicherheit? Verlust der Sicherheit? Frank Hillebrandt Der Begriff des Lebensstils hat gegenwiirtig Konjunktur. Aus Zeitgeist magazinen, Szene-Joumalen und Werbeanzeigen ist er seit langerem nicht mehr wegzudenken. Die kommerzielle Freizeit-, Konsurn- un… OL19909542W
Virtuelle Wirtschaft Virtuelle Wirtschaft Andreas Brill Michael Hutter Es ist erstaunlich, welchen Bedeutungswandel Worter durchlaufen, und welche Ausbreitung sie erreichen konnen. "VirtualiUit" ist ein ausgezeichnetes Beispiel fur solche Dynamik: virtus … OL19909857W
Hermeneutics and the human sciences Hermeneutics and the human sciences Paul Ricœur,John B. Thompson "This is a collection in translation of essays by Paul Ricoeur which presents a comprehensive view of his philosophical hermeneutics, its relation to the views of his predecessors in the tradition an… OL2145396W
Principles of Macroeconomics for AP® Courses 2e Principles of Macroeconomics for AP® Courses 2e David Shapiro,Eric Dodge,Steven A. Greenlaw,Craig Richardson,Diane Keenan,Dan MacDonald,Amyaz Moledina,Ralph Sonenshine,Cynthia Gamez,Andres Jauregui Principles of Macroeconomics for AP ® Courses 2e covers the scope and sequence requirements for an Advanced Placement ® macroeconomics course and is listed on the College Board’s AP® example text… OL25786585W
Russia Russia Rim Brown Fader,Kim Brown Fader Examines the history of the country now known as the Russian Federation, from its earliest days through its role as part of the Soviet Union to its current place in the world. OL2700270W
Great careers for people fascinated by government & the law Great careers for people fascinated by government & the law Julie E. Czerneda,Anne M. Hale,Anne Marie Males,Victoria Vincent 48 p. : 26 cm OL2993273W
Sex and sensibility Sex and sensibility Arlene Stein In the first book to analyze shifts in lesbian identity, consciousness, and culture from the 1970s to the 1990s, Arlene Stein contributes an important chapter to the study of the women's movement and… OL3258091W
Sports geography Sports geography John Bale 'Space' and 'place' are concepts central to both geography and sport. Places, for example, are the means of identifying most sports teams, while sport both affects, and is affected by, the physical e… OL3258666W
Reliability and validity assessment Reliability and validity assessment Edward G. Carmines The authors present an elementary and exceptionally lucid introduction to issues in measurement theory. They define and discuss validity and reliability; proceed to a discussion of three basic types … OL4637433W
Secondary analysis of survey data Secondary analysis of survey data K. Jill Kiecolt This volume presents strategies for locating survey data and provides a comprehensive guide to US social science data archives, describing several major data files. Although the data sets are America… OL5119236W
Manitoba Manitoba Gordon D. Laws,Lauren M. Laws Examines the history, geography, climate, industries, people, and culture of one of the most diverse of Canada's provinces. OL5955247W
Man in adaptation Man in adaptation Yehudi A. Cohen "This book contains 36 selections that are intended to serve as an introduction to physical anthropology, archeology and linguistics from the point of view of the processes of adaptation."--Preface. OL6700815W
When Culture and Biology Collide When Culture and Biology Collide Euclid O. Smith "Why do we do things that we know are bad for us? Why do we line up to buy greasy fast food that is terrible for our bodies? Why do we take the potentially lethal risk of cosmetic surgery to have a s… OL8498689W