Choose Life
Arnold J. Toynbee,Daisaku Ikeda,Ikeda Daisaku |
Also known as *The Toynbee-Ikeda Dialogue*. |
OL1108515W |
Vice & Virtue in Everyday Life
Robert J. Fogelin,Fred Sommers,Christina Hoff Sommers |
A comprehensive and provocative collection of both classical and contemporary voices in perennial ethical debates, *Vice and Virtue* has established itself as one of the truly outstanding anthologies… |
OL15164622W |
Capabilities, power, and institutions
Stephen L. Esquith |
"A collection of essays that extend, criticize, and reformulate the capability approach to human development, originally formulated by Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum, in order to better understand t… |
OL15582079W |
Novels (La chute / L'Étranger)
Albert Camus |
[La chute](https://openlibrary.org/works/OL1230631W)
L'Étranger |
OL16033130W |
Practical ethics
Peter Singer |
For thirty years, Peter Singer's Practical Ethics has been the classic introduction to applied ethics. For this third edition, the author has revised and updated all the chapters and added a new chap… |
OL1819652W |
Rediscovering Values
Jim Wallis |
Calls readers to survive the economic crisis through moral recovery and embrace hard times as an opportunity to transform themselves from the inside out. |
OL21657253W |
The Culture of Morality
Elliot Turiel |
The Culture of Morality examines how explanations of social and moral development inform our understandings of morality and culture. People universally develop judgments that entail deep understandin… |
OL5906110W |