From naked ape to superspecies
David T. Suzuki,Holly Dressel |
From Naked Ape to Super Species takes an unflinching look at where we are at this unprecedented moment in history. Suzuki and Dressel reveal that a clear and present environmental danger is staring u… |
OL111002W |
The Drunkard's Walk
Leonard Mlodinow |
In this irreverent and illuminating book, acclaimed writer and scientist Leonard Mlodinow shows us how randomness, change, and probability reveal a tremendous amount about our daily lives, and how we… |
OL12404493W |
Two distinctive approaches to the study of human demography exist within anthropology today: anthropological demography and human evolutionary ecology. The first stresses the role of culture in deter… |
OL13633535W |
Human Development in the Twenty-First Century
Alan Fogel |
How do human beings develop and function in relation to the human and natural world? The science of dynamic systems focuses on connections and relationships between people rather than on individual a… |
OL15184451W |
Ambiente umano e valore di scambio
Giorgio Manfré |
Esiste una correlazione tra la società-mondo (economia finanziaria e tecnologie informatiche dispiegate su scala planetaria), da un lato, e il 'modo di essere normale' della condizione umana, dall'al… |
OL15193259W |
Natur als Grenzerfahrung
Lars Kreye,Carsten Stu hring,Tanja Zwingelberg |
The book presents the results of a conference at the DFG Graduate College on "Interdiscipline History of Ecology" held in December, 2008. Nature has always been a definite factor for man as well as f… |
OL16946230W |
Who am I?
Richard Walker |
Building on fundamental questions about what it means to be human, a thought-provoking exploration of human identity draws on biological, psychological and social sciences to provide coverage of topi… |
OL17918843W |
Le biosiècle
Arona Moreau |
Nous entrons dans le "biosiècle", siècle qui consacre le vivant dans ses dimensions multiples. De l'économie à l'histoire, en passant par la politique et la philosophie, la bioquestion se retrouve au… |
OL18594097W |
Pourquoi tardons-nous tant à devenir écologistes?
Denis Duclos |
Le problème essentiel de l'écologie n'est pas purement économique, techno-scientifique ou juridique. Il réside d'abord dans le "choix culturel", le sens donné au "vivre ensemble" dans la société plan… |
OL18859045W |
Creating sanctuary
Sandra L. Bloom |
Creating Sanctuary is a description of a hospital-based program to treat adults who had been abused as children and the revolutionary knowledge about trauma and adversity that the program was based u… |
OL1922212W |
Green metropolis
Owen, David |
In this remarkable challenge to conventional thinking about the environment, David Owen argues that the greenest community in the United States is not Portland, Oregon or Snowmass, Colorado, but New … |
OL19703955W |
The social ecology of infectious diseases
Hank Pizer,Kenneth H. Mayer |
Social Ecology of Infectious Diseases explores how human activities enable microbes to disseminate and evolve, thereby creating favorable conditions for the diverse manifestations of communicable dis… |
OL19902521W |
Built on bones
Brenna Hassett |
The city has killed most of your ancestors, and it's probably killing you, too - this book tells you why. |
OL20055786W |
Urbanization Without Cities
Murray Bookchin |
Murray Bookchin introduces provocative ideas about the nature of community and what it means to be a fully empowered citizen. He believes that the tensions that exists between rural and urban society… |
OL2422720W |
Arctic human development report
Níels Einarsson |
Of major findings -- pt. 1: Orientation -- ch. 1. Introduction: human development in the Arctic -- ch. 2. Arctic demography -- pt. II: Core systems -- ch. 3. Societies and cultures: change and persis… |
OL26436689W |
Global environmental issues
Kemp, David D. |
This book provides a balanced account of the global environmental issues which threaten our society and which we neglect at our peril. Analysing both social and environmental components of the issues… |
OL2724664W |
L'équilibre sacré
David T. Suzuki |
L'environnementaliste canadien D. Suzuki met à la portée de tous les conclusions de la science concernant l'état de la planète et donne au débat une dimension spirituelle, invitant à une réflexion ap… |
OL28587559W |
Ecology and society
Luke Martell |
Ecology and Society introduces green ideas to students of the social sciences. It goes beyond traditional sociological boundaries to show how society interacts with nature but suggests that there are… |
OL3480543W |